Chapter 7

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The lights came up a little and the audience cheered and clapped at the sight of the two boys who were standing at the front of the stage. Lay was standing on Jongin's right, one hand clinging to his elbow in front of his bare torso. His eyes were set on the floor again, those oppressive pupils hidden beneath the thick fan of his lashes as Jongin had a loose hand around his waist and a Wide smile on his face. Yifan watched silently as people came forward and put money in a box that was set in front of the stage labelled 'KaiLay', the room a blur of murmuring and the occasional cat call.

"Nice body, beautiful" 

"Hey there, sexy, give us a turn-around"

"Damn son..."

"OH my Gawd aren't they just so friggin' hot? I don't care if he's gay"

Yifan growled lowly from the base of his throat and pushed back the Bar stool backwards

"I need some fresh air..."

He cleared his throat as he turned away from the wide eyed Luhan and Sehun walked towards the sliding doors of the club balcony that overlooked the city streets of Seoul. He leaned over the railings, taking a deep breath trying to calm his nerves's been a while since I've felt like this....

Yifan sighed heavily and raked a hand through his hair, the cool midnight wind scorching his cheeks with the blazing cold.

What the hell is wrong with me...he is just a stripper. He doesn't have any relation to me!

The balcony door opened, making Yifan catch wind of more applause and cheering before the door shut again, muffling the sound.


Jongdae said, snapping his fingers next to Yifan's ear, sucessfully pulling him from his trance.


Yifan murmmered softly into the base of his palm, eyes glazing over to look at Mr. high and mighty cheekbones.

"You's pretty obvious you fancy him Hyung..."

The man flashed a Cheshire grin and leaned forward with a packet of Marlboro reds. Yifan cocked an eyebrow and hid his flush behind his hand.

"I dont know what you are talking about...Elaborate?"

Jongdae let out a breathy laugh in response, putting a cigarette joint between his teeth.

"Well...first of all you looked pretty pissed off when you saw 'Kai' touch Lay like that"

He made two inverted commas over his head as he said the blonde boy's stage name and chuckled,

"You know, that look you get when you are annoyed...whats that word...oh yeah, bitch face."

Jongdae continued, grinning as he gestured to Yifan's fiery countenance, earning a nasty glare from the blonde teacher.

"What...aren't you Gunna argue back that you don't like that cute boy Fany~?"

Jongdae teased as he poked Yifan's forehead when the older did not put up a fight.

"I'd need another Private session."

Yifan said blankly, not wanting Jongdae to get the pleasure of seeing how red is face was.

"Hmm. I'll have to ask Lay about that."

Jongdae hummed and earned a joking punch to the arm from Yifan.

"Fuck you, Kim "

Yifan chuckled as Jongdae smirked, the cigarette spluttering a soft rise of grey smoke which spiralled into the balcony lights. Jongdae drew in a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled toxins, removing the white joint from his lips before offering it to Yifan.

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