Chapter 9

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"Yeah bro?"

The sound of a binding machine snapping down on a load of worksheets with a loud thump punctuated the slience.

"How exactly did you and Baekhyun hook up...?

Yifan enquired as he tapped away at the keyboard while Chanyeol stood behind him, arranging and filing papers for the next term.

" was supposed to be a one night stand but he didn't get it...I woke up the next day to the smell of pancakes and him in my Polo button up from the the night before."

Chanyeol chuckled at the memory and continued to punch holes in the papers.

"He wasn't wearing anything under the we had a second round on the kitchen counter"

"First of all, too much information man...Secondly,that explains Why you took that monday off huh."

The younger male grinned and turned around to face Yifan,

"Yah, as much as i'd like to talk about me and Baek, you usually aren't one to ask about these kind of things hyung. What's up man? Luhan has been complaining about you being like a bitch in heat over the new part-time music student too."

The teacher sighed and rubbed his temples, pausing to look away from the screen.

"How do you get to someone who is emotionally challenged?

Chanyeol raised a brow sceptically and let his gaze waver over to the older male as he halted in mid punch

"You're emotionally challenged, so I don't know Why im being asked that question."

"I...I think I like somebody, and I think they like me back. But everything I get close Im shut down."

Yifan continued as he ignored Chanyeol's obviously offensive statement. He would get him back for that later.

"Is this about the music teacher whose face you haven't even seen yet?"

Yifan sighed and turned back to his computer, shaking his head to show his response.

"Well, some people connect more through sex hyung...maybe you could try it out?"


Yixing sauntered into the dim room, simple white beater and loose sweatpants that hung off the sharp ridges of hips. it's exactly what Yifan liked and he knew it. his ebony fringe fell in front of his face and he swung his head to the side, glancing up at Yifan and the teacher's fingers itched to run through the soft tendrils.

"What do you want tonight?"

He sounded agitated, exhausted. Yifan wondered how many other men and women he's danced In front of today. Quite a few, Yifan infered,  glancing briefly at the boy's arms to see it littered with more bruises than usual.

"Lap dance? pole dance? maybe you'd like to drink for once?"

Yixing stood directly in front of him and Yifan paused, afraid of the response his answer would draw. He could feel the vitriol rise in his larynx as he spotted a nice, prominant purple bruise on the side of Yixing's pale neck. The dancer's brows furrowed even as a grin graced his features,

"Mr Wu?"

"i want you to come for me."

Yixing's eyebrows shot so far up his forehead they got lost in his hairline, "excuse me?"

Fucking Jongin.

"I can pay to get you to do anything as long as I'm not touching you right?"

"This isn't a prostitution club. I come here to dance."

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