Undertale test

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I took this test

and I got Chara. Description was: reserved, violent, tough, warm, intelegennt, secritive, determined, powerful, evil.

This one said I'm Sans ;)


I guess you should just look up to read the description

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I guess you should just look up to read the description... ^^^

This one says I'm Asriel


Description: You are a thoughtful, affectionate, and loyal person

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Description: You are a thoughtful, affectionate, and loyal person. In most situations you come off as frightening and tough, but on the inside have many emotions swirling around in your mind. All you truly want is someone you love to love you back. Your loyalty to those around you is undying, and you will do anything to keep them there even if it means acting out irrationally. You love with your whole heart, and think with your whole mind leaving no space in-between. (This one is probably inaccurate, but who am I to judge ;)

This one says I'm Flowey (I won't stop until 2 tests say the same thing)


It didn't give a description, so I'll make one: To some you look as delicate and nice as a flower, but really, you are a bloodthirsty, vicious, lying, practically unstoppable monster who wants nothing more than to watch the whole world burn

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It didn't give a description, so I'll make one: To some you look as delicate and nice as a flower, but really, you are a bloodthirsty, vicious, lying, practically unstoppable monster who wants nothing more than to watch the whole world burn...

This one says I'm Chara



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Description: Yeah... that ^

Final one...

This one says I'm...







Flowey (Dang it, a tie...)


Description: According to the results generated from this Undertale character quiz, you are as villainous as Flowey

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Description: According to the results generated from this Undertale character quiz, you are as villainous as Flowey. A sheep in wolf's clothing, you appear friendly and kind at first. Your initial politeness and charm are very welcoming to others and as a result you easily befriend them. However, your attitude toward others turns sour whenever a disagreement presents itself. You become devious and manipulative.

Thank you all for joining me on this adventure! If you would like more of this or perhaps something separate from this book dedicated to this, then please, tell me in the comments. Also, I encourage you to take these tests yourself and tell me what you get. TTFN!

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