Yes I Do (3)

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WritingPromptQueen : QOTD: what's one thing you really want to see before you die?

A: me having a family and not being an awkward turtle for once. Or maybe just finding the right guy...or a female president. As long as she's smart, I'd love to see her in office.

Me: WritingPromptQueen I want to see these lost sheep open their eyes... to wake up and take action in what is true... to see the truths that are around them but blocked with a smaller large screen... ... Wake up, wake up... don't be a sheep... public school is brain washing. Doctors are convincing females to let them kill their unborn children. Science is inaccurate in some parts (global warming, evolution, spontaneous generation). People are blaming guns for the work of hateful, crazy, of high men and women (mostly men). The world if crumbling and the Super Powers of Earth will one day be begin the 3rd world countries for aid, money, and salvation. LOOK AT THE IDIOTS AROUND YOU (not just within your walls and roof, no offence to your family)!!!Blinded by lies about a Republican with a bad Twitter mouth, starting to like the idea of Socialism, warming up to SMASHING OUR OWN AMMENDMENTS FOR GUN CONTROL AND A LACK A CRITICISM FROM HYPOCRITICAL RELIGIOUSE DONKIES! WE ARE IGNORING THE REAL PROBLEMS WITH MOVIES AND GAMES! WHILE YOU SIT IN FRONT OF YOUR SCREEN (I don't mean YOU specifically, I mean most of the people here) RANTING ABOUT NO MORE SPIDER-MAN IN THE MCU LIKE IT'S THE FREAKING END OF HUMANITY, I'LL BE OVER HERE RANTING ABOUT HOW SCHOOLS ARE RESTRICTING SURTAIN RELIGIONS LIKE CHRISTIANITY TO THE POINT WHERE IF THEY EVEN TELL SOMEBODY ABOUT HIM, THEY COULD GET EXPELLED! I HAD A VISION, A VISION OF A WORLD WHERE WE STOPPED USING ESCAPISM AND STARTED TO GATHER TOGETHER IN HARMONY AND DO SOMETHING! IF WE CAN NOT DO SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS TRY AND FIND A WAY TO HELP A NEIGHBER OR TRY AND STAND UP FOR SOMETHING RIGHT TO STOP SOMETHING WRONG, WHAT THE HECK ARE WE EVEN HERE FOR? WAIST LAND AND RESORCES? ARE WE HERE TO BE ANOTHER BREED OF SHEEP ON THE EARTH, OR ARE WE HERE TO DO SOMETHING TO KEEP HUMANS FROM OUR OWN DOWNFALL? IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE NO PERPOSE, THEN PM ME, BECAUSE PERHAPS YUR PERPOSE IS TO HELP OTHERS AND EXPECT NOTHING BACK, OR TRY AND SOLVE A LARGE PROBLEM!

 I am Aaron Nobody, and I approve this message...MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN!!!

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