Meet the. . . Family

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So, it's come to my attention that some of you do not know the little... family I have going on in "Questions for Answer (1 and 2)","My Mind's Minds" and other places, so I've decided to list the known ones...

Mister A. Nobody (me): The body and soul that owns this mind. He attempts to keep the peace and balance, but this broken mind just keeps fighting back. Also, he sometimes thinks of himself as the "repair man", mostly because he likes to try and fix peoples problems by any means possible, yet never able to fix his own problems.

Nobody: The mind behind the mind of this operation. He is an incredible genius with a dark and painful past haunting him. He was never meant to be the clearest voice in this head, but I am anyway... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Somebody: Somebody is the opposite of nobody, He's more outgoing and may seem nice, but he may be more deceitful than Nobody. Somebody wants nothing but power and control, even though he has no power or control of any nerves or emotions (anymore).

The Watcher: Not enough information is known about h3r...

Inner Chick-fil-a Employee: The only thing he ever says is and I quote "My pleasure" (He's not important.)

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