New Root for an Old Hate

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So My dog decided it was a good idea to slide out of her collar and chase a stupid stray cat.

I never was a fan of cats, but I was beginning to warm up to them... until today.

The kids in the neighborhood call the cat Gee-gee, and now I a bit happy that Maryland does not do the farm program for cats anymore... because next time I see Gee-gee I'm gunna... well... use your imagination.

Luckily my dog knows her way home, but the stupid cat is still at large.

The only reason people don't try to have the cat caught is because they are all cat sympathizers... As Barefoot_Pianist said to me once, "Most cat lovers are kind of OK with dogs, but most dog lovers are like 'Cats are of the Devil'"... I'm more along the lines of "Send cats to the Devil!".

I'm glad my dog is home now, but I am disappointed... that she didn't end the cat...

@xgood-vibesx , and any other cat lovers out there... I warn you now, Hide your cats until July 4th 2019... I'll be a lot nicer then...


I can see it now...

Burning cat...







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