Chapter 1

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Lance furiously scribbled down what he was hearing all around him. He heard women whisper about how her husband was in the building, but came out with just a sweaty shirt. He also felt Hunk poking at him. He whipped around and faced his best friend. "What?", Lance hissed, annoyed that he was now probably missing valuable information about this freak accident. "Do you even know what happened?", Hunk asked. Lance slapped his forehead. "We are reports, we need to know its your job, yet you don't even know what happened!", Lance exclaimed. Hunk shrugged. "To busy checking out Shay?", Lance asked, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just tell me what happened", Hunk begged. "Well, a fire started on the fourth floor, but the strange thing was that no one else was injured by the flames, even though the whole building burned down in the process. Only one person was injured", Lance stated. Hunk nodded and the two both turned there attention back to the building. Lance knew it was recent. There was still some smolders in it. "What do you think happened?", Hunk asked. Lance shrugged. "I don't know, but wait here I'll ask the police", Lance rushed out. "Wait La-", but before Hunk could finish his sentence, Lance was already in one police officers personal space.

"So, can you tell me what happened here?", Lance asked the police officer. The officer looked down at Lance and Lance could already see the sweat building up on his forehead. Even though Lance was a young reporter, he was maybe the best at the Altea Newspaper Outlet. He was good with words, he was able to sway people into saying what he wanted. And the worst thing about this was that he usually used it to get people to buy him drinks at the Galra Pub. But right now he was on work duty, and this story seemed to make his gears want to work. Lance kept pressing the officer for questions until he finally broke under the stress. "Her name was Narti Dell and she was some time ago charged with attempted murder", the police officer responded. "No one else was harmed in the building apart from her?", Lance pressed even more. The officer shook his head no. "Well thats good... also thanks and here, go by something nice for yourself", Lance grinned handing the officer at least one hundred dollars. The officer looked down at his hand, and back up, but Lance was already to blended in with the crowd to be spotted. 

"You can't just do that Lance", Hunk whispered to him as they walked back to the office. "But look at all the information I got", Lance whined. He then shoved the note book into Hunk's face. Hunk looked down at it. "Well... I will admit you did get a lot of information. But if Allura hears you kept pestering an officer, she will have your head. You know how she is with respecting the law", Hunk said. Lance smirked while taking his note book back. "Well maybe the law should respect me", Lance replied. Hunk laughed at that. "But I wonder what is inside the building. I mean they weren't even letting-", Hunk cut him off with a look. "You can't go in that building Lance. They weren't letting people in because its a crime scene", Hunk spat. Lance looked down at his shoes. He never liked when he made Hunk even a little angry. "Im sorry", Lance whispered. He felt Hunk ruffle his hair. "Its fine, its not like you are going to sneak into the crime scene", Hunk joked. Lance laughed, but that just sparked another idea into Lance's mind. 

Once they got back to the office they were meet with Allura who was staring down at them. "Hello A-", "Were the hell is that last article Lance, we need it since the deadline is soon", Allura barked at Lance. "Sorry... I was busy", Lance huffed out. "Busy drinking with Lotor", Lance and Hunk heard Pidge tease from behind her giant type writer. "Ew, as if. That guy is a walking grape with all the purple he wears", Lance said. Lotor was the editor who was at least two doors down the hall. And he always wore an ugly coat that was as purple as those gross grape flavored medicines. "Well whatever, anyways just start with the typing", Allura hissed. Lance nodded and he and Hunk both fled to there desk to focus on there work. But as Lance was typing up about the war going on, his mind was somewhere else. He was wondering about what was happening in there city. He was wondering why there were so much fires.

When the work was all done and it was time to go home, almost all the workers were gone. Including Allura. But the ones that were left were Pidge and Lance. "I'll see you tomorrow", Pidge chirped to Lance who was writing something in his note book. Lance nodded in response. The gears in his mind were to busy working on something else. Pidge then put on her hat and ran out, probably so she could read books with her older brother Matt. Once she was gone, Lance ran to her desk and yanked open her drawer. Inside there were news papers from other news outlets, and each one that Pidge had was about the strange occurrences that were happening around the city. Lance shifted through them. He read each and every single one. Luckily for him he was a fast reader. As Lance read them, he noticed that they all had one thing in common. "Men burned alive, each charged for rape, a mother charged for killing her husband burned alive outside on a rainy day, and robbers guns melting into there hands", Lance muttered to himself in wonder. How was all this happening? And it seemed that criminals were the only ones dying. Lance was pulled out his thoughts by another thought. Lance shoved the other newspapers back into Pidges drawer. Lance then pulled on his jacket and scarf and ran out of the office. And the place he was running to was the crime scene from this morning. 

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