Chapter 11

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Once the group got to Lance's apartment they forced Pidge to never tell anyone what she saw that night. She promised of course. And after another long hour of haggling, they finally got her to leave the firelp with them. When she finally left Keith turned to Lance who was already on the bed. "What?", Lance hissed. Keith set down the firelp next to the ruby necklace and sat on the chair in Lance's room. "You are so stupid", Keith said. Lance glared at him. "Yeah, tell me something I don't know asshole", Lance mumbled while he pulled of his shoes. "Well you are idiotic, loud, annoying, and-", Keith stopped himself short as he almost said cute. "And what?", Lance repeated. "Nothing... just please never run into danger like that again", Keith whispered. Lance looked up at him. When he saw the scared and sad look on Keith's face he couldn't say no. He sighed. "Fine... but what was the deal with those people?", Lance asked. Keith shrugged. "I don't know...".

Romelle hissed in pain as Shiro bandaged up her burns. "Oh hush", Shiro said. Romelle giggled. "You sound like my mom", she giggled. Shiro rolled his eyes. "By the way, how did he not remember us?", Romelle asked. "I don't know, but we still will get our revenge somehow", Shiro said, his voice stone cold. Romelle smiled. "I think I know how we can do that", she whispered in his ear. Shiro looked up from her hand which he was bandaging. "How?", he asked. "Didn't you see how close he was to that man. It seemed like he didn't want him to get hurt... What was his name again?", Romelle questioned. "Well the boy of embers called him Lance", Shiro replied. Romelle smiled. "Why don't we just kill Lance instead of the boy of embers. I mean it hurts way more to see someone you love dead then yourself", Romelle said. Shiro looked up at her. His eyes widened a little when he saw sadness in her eyes. It was the first time he saw something else apart from psychotic happiness. Shiro nodded. "We can find this Lance. You did find out about Samuel Holt's family. Speaking of Samuel Holt what did you do-", "I buried him under the pavement of the basement. He died a long time ago Shiro", Romelle explained. Shiro sighed. "Looks like you will be craving for something else to torture then...", Shiro sighed. Romelle smiled. "Yeah...".

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