Chapter 10

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Lance and Pidge ran down the street so fast that they were sure they could fly. Once they ran a good distance they jumped into an alleyway. "We need to go back", Lance panted out. Pidge looked up at him. "No we don't. Keith can handle himself he is a magical monster", Pidge said. Lance glared at her. "He isn't a monster", he hissed. "Sorry", Pidge whispered. Lance shook his head. "Its fine... but I am going back anyways", Lance replied. Pidge opened her mouth to say something but Lance was already off with the wind. Pidge fell onto the ground. "This is to much for me", she whispered to herself. 

Keith hissed as the water flew onto his leg. He glared up at them. He didn't know how they knew his weakness... but they were using it well. They bought what looked to be water pumps that they wore as backpacks. And every time they pressed a button water would burst from the tip of the pump. Over all it was annoying. Keith swirled his hands around him. Soon a giant wheel of fire circled him. "Wow thats so cool!", Romelle whispered to Shiro who was rolling his eyes. They both reached to press the buttons, but where stopped when Keith started to charge for them. The circle of fire dancing around him. "Oh shi-", Shiro wasn't able to finish his sentence. The flames already hit the two, sending them sprawling on the ground crying in pain. Keith stared down at them. There pumps were melted and there hands and faces looked burned. Keith raised his hand, already ingulfed in flames. He was about to cinder them, but a voice stopped him. 

"KEITH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!", Lance screamed. Keith whipped around, eyes wide. He didn't even realize what he was doing. He also didn't realize that the house seemed to have taken some fire onto its walls. "Lance you need to leave", Keith said, noticing that the vine was now up to Lance's elbow. It must be sensing that the fire is dangerous. "Not without you", Lance said, walking over to the group. Keith looked up at the ceiling to see that it was now burning up. The fire was spreading to quickly. "We should go", Shiro whispered to Romelle. She nodded, noticing all the fire the house had soaked up. They both peeled themselves off the ground and ran past the other two so quickly that Keith couldn't catch them. But his attention was on Lance. "Lance you need to leave", Keith yelled over the crackles of fire. Lance looked up at him. Lance opened his mouth, but suddenly the ceiling fell. Lance looked up in panic. He shut his eyes, waiting for the torched up ceiling to fall on him... but it never came.

When he opened his eyes Keith was holding him. Lance looked around and noticed they were outside the house. "H-how did you do that?", Lance asked. But Keith never answered. Instead he just held Lance tightly in his arms. "Holy shit I thought you could have died", Keith whispered in his ear. Lance felt a shiver. "Well I didn't", Lance replied with a blush. "HOLY SHIT GUYS WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!", Pidge screamed as she watched the house burn down. "No time to explain, lets just get out of here before the police come", Keith said. Soon the group was running down the street towards Lance's apartment. Lance was still in Keith's arms as they ran, refusing to let him go. Every time Lance said to put him down Keith would just glare down at him and hold on tighter. And because of this Lance knew his heart would learn to love this magical human. 

This was a random chapter. Also this is not edited so if you find typos you will know why. And sorry if the fight scene was bad I am terrible at those. 

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