Chapter 4

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The girl grabbed the man by his throat. "Listen, tell me the truth... Do you know were Samuel Holt is?", she asked the man who was trying to escape from you grip. "NO! And even if I did I would never tell scum like you", the man spat. She grimanced. "Fine", she huffed out. Before he could do anything else... he was shot in the head. "We could have still used him", a man said behind her. "No, he was useless anyways", she responded. She shoved the gun back into her gun holder and turned to him. "Lets get out of here, don't want to be at the crime scene when they find him", she said as she walked towards the light at the end of the dark alleyway. "Okay, but tell me again why we are looking for Samuel Holt?", the man asked. "God damn it Shiro! We are looking for him since he has a tracker", she snapped at him. "Does it track him Romelle?", Shiro asked, his tone now hardened. She nodded. "Why would I be going through so much trouble if it didn't".

The first thing Lance felt was heat. Then he felt something squeeze him. When he open his eyes, he was meet with a face. Lance sucked in a scream. What the hell... who is this person? The question kept ringing in his mind. Suddenly he realized what position they were in. Lance was cradled in his arms. The other man had his arms wrapped around his waist while Lances arms were also wrapped around his waist. Lance gasped when he saw that the man had nothing one. Lance mentally started to freak out. Lance started to panic more when he saw the mans eyes peel open. "Who-", "I am here to protect you", was the first thing the man said. Lance looked at him confused. "Protect me? Why do you need to protect me?", Lance rushed out, his heart ramming in his chest. "Because... you have the necklace", the man responded. Lance open his mouth to say something, but the man suddenly had his hand on Lances forehead. And the next thing he knew, he was back in deep slumber. 

I am so sorry that this took a long time to upload. I am also sorry if there are some typos because this is not edited. This is probably bad so I am sorry about that. I have just been very busy with rehearsals and performances and stuff like that. But I will try to get more chapters out there. And maybe Romelle's and Shiro's backstory will come out in later chapters along with a blood promise. Alright Chow~

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