Chapter 7

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*Warning, Torture starts now*

Romelle walked over to Samuel who was trembling. "Good thing I brought this!", she chirped as she held up a small brief case. "W-whats it there?", Samuel asked. "Something you don't like", Shiro answered. "Can I go back up... I don't like to see you torture people", Shiro said. Romelle sighed. "You say you want revenge against this thing, but can you really kill it if you can't watch a simple torture?", Romelle asked. Shiro glared at her. "Fuck off you cunt", he spat. Romelle felt her face go hot. Shiro then ran up the stairs before he could see her lose control. "That fucking asshole!", she exclaimed, her fist white from how tight she was holding them. She then whipped around to Samuel who was trembling. "Aw, I actually feel bad for you man. I was going to try and go easy on you before. But Shiro made me pissed off so...", Romelle trailed off. Instead she bent down and placed her brief case on the floor. She then opened it and pulled out a simple knife. She then raised it up in the air and stabbed it straight into Samuel's leg. He screamed in pain and thrashed around. Trying to get the sharp object out of his leg. But that only made it worse. Romelle then took this time to dig it deeper into his leg. When she finally pulled it out here hand and some of her arm was covered with red. "Dude come on, thats no way to treat a lady", Romelle said. Samuel, with the little ounce of courage he had left, looked up at her and spat at her. It landed right on her face. "Well, you ain't no lady", he spat. His courage then died right when he saw the look on her face. It was like a fire. Her face was red and he could almost see smoke coming from her ears. Romelle then threw the knife at the wall and pulled something else from her brief case. "Now this is going to hurt", she said. Samuel screamed as she started to put the strange object on his right eye. "Okay, I'll count to three. If you don't tell me were the tracker is then you will lose your eye and I will shove it in your mouth", Romelle said. Samuel looked up and saw that she was holding something that looked like a spoon. "P-please don't", he stuttered. Romelle sighed. "Three". "Stop please". "Two". "I- I can't tell you!". "On-". "I DON'T HAVE IT!", Samuel screamed at the top of his lungs. Romelle stared at him. Confusion on his face. "B-but then why did you make it sound like you have it", Romelle hissed at him. "Because I gave it someone I love and I wanted to keep them safe!", Samuel gasped. Romelle groaned. "Well, we will still find them you idiot", she said. She then plunged the spoon like object deep into his eye. He screamed and yelled as she dug it deeper and deeper. Romelle had to hold in giggles. He looked kinda funny. She stopped laughing when she saw that he had passed out. She sighed. "Boo hoo", she whispered. "SHIRO COME DOWN HERE AND HELP ME CLEAN UP!", she called. Shiro whined so loud as they cleaned that Romelle was sure the neighbors heard all about how she went over board. 

*Torture is now over*

Pidge silently played with the necklace that her father had given her. "They'll find him", Matt said. Pidge nodded, but she didn't truly believe it. The police in the city sucked. And she knew it since she worked for the newspaper. Pidge looked down at the necklace. It was a simple golden one with a light pink stone in the middle. There was also a little golden ring that ran around the stone. And engraved in the band were the words gia na vreis ti fotiá. Pidge still didn't know what they mean't. But she was okay with it. After all it was fun to try and guess what the mysterious words meant. "We should get going... its getting late", Matt said. Pidge sighed. "Okay", she whispered. 

Back at the office Lance and Keith were covered in dirt and water. "What the hell happened to you guys", Allura asked when she walked out. It was already the end of the day when they had finally finished. "I don't know!", Lance exclaimed. Allura glared at him in annoyance. But that soon turned into a smile. "See, cleaning is hard Lance", she teased. Lance glared at her. "Your like an older sister who shows me tough love", Lance muttered. Allura smiled at that. "Thats what I am aiming for!", she chirped as she walked past the two and out the door. Hunk was the next one to walk out. "By Lance!", he said as he shuffled past the two. Once Hunk was gone Lance turned back to Keith. "Alright... lets go-", Lance was cut off by a yawn. Keith tilted his head a little. "Are you tired?", Keith asked. "Yeah a little, lets go home", Lance muttered. Keith smiled. That meant that he would be able to stay. Keith was so happy about this in fact that he ran up to Lance and grabbed his hand. "Lets go home!", Keith chirped with a smile on his face. Lance stared at him a little wide eyed. It was his first time seeing the fire boy smile. But Lance wasn't complaining. He even thought it was cute, even though he would never admit it. 

Once they got home Lance took of his dirty clothes, put on his pajamas, and immediately fell asleep once his head hit the pillow. Keith did the same and joined Lance on the bed. Keith carefully wrapped his arm around the small boys waist. Keith didn't really need to sleep, but it still felt nice to pretend. Keith pulled Lance a little closer. Keith didn't know what this knew emotion was. But he did know that he felt it whenever he was with Lance. Keith closed his eyes, snuggled into Lance's short hair. He loved this. Keith's eyes shot open. That was the emotion he was feeling... love. 

The Boy of Embers - KlanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant