Chapter 12

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Lance opened his eyes groggily. He groaned and rolled over, only for his face to bump into Keith's chest. Lance glared up at the sleeping figure. Why did he have to sleep so close? But Lance stopped complaining when he noticed how... pretty he looked. Lance blushed at the thought. What was he thinking? He can't fall in love with a magical being?!? Lance carefully slipped out of the bed. His face was hot and his mind was racing. He then carefully slipped on his shoes since he had no reason to get dressed since he fell asleep in the clothes he was wearing yesterday. Lance then opened the apartment door. He looked back one more time to see Keith sleeping peacefully. Lance then wondered if Keith would freak out if he just wasn't there. Lance shook his head in annoyance. He was a grown man and if he wanted to leave his own apartment he could. And with that Lance walked out of the apartment without realizing that the vine tattoo  was running up to his shoulder. 

Lance looked up at the sky as the sun was rising. He smiled a little. It was a pretty sight to behold. Lance then looked back at the road he was walking on. Not many people were awake. Just some merchants and bakers setting up there shops. Lance wanted to stop by and maybe by a piece of bread, but they were probably still making them. Lance suddenly felt his stomach grumble. Lance sighed. Guess he was hungry. Lance started to head back to the apartment, but a two people stopped him...

Keith woke up with a bad feeling in his gut. He looked out the window to see the bright sun peaking over some tall buildings. He then turned his attention back to the bed to see that Lance wasn't there at all. "Lance?", Keith called out. When he didn't respond Keith knew something bad had happened. Keith then jumped out of the bed and yanked open Lance's closet. Keith then grabbed some clothes and put them on. The last thing Keith did was grab the firelp. It was mostly known for tracking people like him. But little did people know that they were also good at tracking people who made blood promises. The only thing that Keith hoped for was that Lance was okay and that he wasn't overreacting. He just hoped that Lance was getting bread... he hoped...

This is also not edited since it is like 3:00 in the morning and I want to go to sleep but at the same time I can't so it is annoying. Also will Keith find Lance? And will Romelle and Shiro get there revenge? 

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