Chapter 17

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When Lance woke up he was met with a blinding white light. He sat up, his head spinning again. He groaned and sunk back into the bed. Then he heard a sniffle. He looked over to see Pidge and Hunk sitting there. "What-", Lance wasn't able to finish his sentence as the two jumped onto him. "I thought we lost you!", Pidge blubbered through her tears. "Don't ever get kidnapped again", Hunk wailed. Lance rolled his eyes, but let a few tears slip out. He didn't know what had truly happened, but since he was in the hospital that means he could have never been able to see these two goof balls. Or Keith. Lance stiffened at the thought of him. Were was he? "Wheres Keith?", Lance asked. Pidge and Hunk both let go of him. "He brought you here, called us, and then just left", Pidge explained. Lance tilted his head. "He just left", Lance repeated. Hunk and Pidge nodded. Before they could do anything, Lance jumped out of the hospital bed and ran out of the room. "Does he know he is wearing a hospital gown?", Pidge asked. "I don't think he really cares... also what are we going to tell the doctor?", Hunk thought. "Oh fuck", Pidge whispered.

Keith sat on the chair in Lance's apartment, his head in his hands. He hurt Lance. He made him get kidnapped. He made him faint. Keith shivered at the thought of hurting Lance. Keith then felt his hands grow hot. He was feeling to many emotions, he just needed to calm down. He was then pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the front door slam. He turned his head to see Lance, panting, and his hands holding the hospital gown to cover his butt. 

"W-what are you doing here?", Keith asked, getting up from the chair. "You should not be up", Keith said while walking over to Lance. "You should have been with me when I woke up", Lance replied. Keith stopped in his tracks. "I couldn't, not after what I had done to you", Keith whispered. "But you didn't do anything to me!?", Lance exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. "Yes I did!", Keith growled. "I caused you to get kidnapped! To get-", Keith was cut off by Lance shoving his lips on his. Keith was surprised by this new type of touch, but he didn't pull away. Because it felt right. When Lance pulled away he stared up at Keith who had a small smile on his face. "Listen Keith. You never got me in that mess. No one could have known that would happen. And I- I love you, so why would I blame you for this situation that you had no control over, and I would never blame you for getting me hurt since I know you would never do it on purpose. I also don't care if you are some celestial being because I saw you. I saw the real Keith, not a boy of embers who does everyone's dirty work because they force you too", Lance said. Keith looked down at him. And for once he felt the heat in his body go away. As if the words Lance said to him were like a stream that gently put out his flames. "I love you Lance", Keith said, his words coming out like a strong forest fire. "I love you too Keith", Lance replied, his words crashing into Keith's ears like a vicious ocean wave. Keith then went in to kiss Lance. And Lance meet his lips. 

And for once...

It seemed like the world was in perfect unison...

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