Chapter 16

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Warning, mentions of blood and character death in this chapter.

Romelle glared at Keith. "Fine, have it your way", she said. She then grabbed the walls paper. She then ripped it, showing what looked to be a fire alarm. With a loud grunt, water started to fall from the ceilings. Keith hissed in pain as it hit his skin, his eyes shutting tightly. Lance tried to get out of Shiro's arms, but his grip was to tight. Lance watched helplessly as Keith fell to the ground, his skin bubbling from the water droplets. "HA! Who knew this guy was so weak! And we have been afraid of him for so long", Romelle teased while pulled a knife out of her pocket. "Shiro, kill the witness", Romelle said. Lance felt Shiro stiffen. "What no! I only want to kill him", Shiro replied. Romelle glared at him. "I SAID KILL HIM", she yelled. Before anyone had time to react, she threw the knife at Shiro with deadly precision. It hit him right in the neck, nicking Lance's cheek in the process. Shiro fell to the ground, his neck showing off his red liquid. Lance fell to the ground to. He was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Romelle just sighed. "He was rather useless anyways", she muttered. She then turned her attention to Lance, who was crawling away from Shiro's bleeding body. "Were do you think you are going", she hissed, running to Shiro's body and ripping out the knife. Its blade looking like a rose. She then looked back at Lance, who somehow managed to get out of his bonds. Lance, in an effort to live, ripped off the cloth that constricted his mouth and yelled. "KEITH!".

"KEITH!", Lance yelled again as Romelle stalked over to him. When Keith heard it the second time his eyes snapped open. What was he doing? He needed to protect Lance. He loved Lance to much to let him die so soon. Keith rose up from the ground. As he got up the water that came close to him evaporated as if they were never there in the first place. Romelle raised her knife, aiming right towards Lance, but she dropped it when it burnt into her hands. She yelped in pain and threw the knife to the ground. She then turned back to Keith who was now standing. "What?", she hissed. But her confidence died when she noticed that the water wasn't pouring down on them like before. She then realized why. 

Keith was making the mansion his own personal oven. It was so steaming hot that he melted the metal faucets that were producing the water. Romelle started to sweat. Lance was sweating to, his head feeling foggy from the heat. "Get. Away. From. Him", Keith growled. Romelle laughed half heartedly. She was actually trembling in fear. "Try me", she said. Even though she was scared, she wasn't going down without a fight. Keith then raised his hand, pointed it towards Romelle. He then snapped his fingers. Romelle chuckled. "Is that all you-", she cut herself off when her insides felt like they were on fire. Romelle dropped her knife, her dropping along with it. Romelle gasped. It felt like she was melting. She grabbed her stomach. "Oh my god. This is worse then period cramps", she managed to gasp out. Keith glared at her. He then walked over to Lance who was leaning against the wall. His eyes were closed. "Lance", Keith whispered. Lance made a small noise in response. "Keep your eyes closed", Keith whispered. Lance nodded, but the action made his head spin like a tire wheel. Keith then grabbed Lance into a hug. Lance felt more heat go to his head. But he didn't want Keith to let go. He felt safe in the other mans arms. 

Romelle watched the scene in front of her as blood spilled from her mouth. She chuckled at the sight. Romelle then felt more blood coming from her mouth. Romelle sucked in her final breath. Even though she was dying... she felt at peace. And with that, she dropped to the ground, her skin melting and her insides falling from her mouth.

Sorry this took so long, this is also not edited because I don't know what happened with me I just got super un-motivated and sad and tired all at the same time while I was trying to right this chapter, so yeah. Chow~

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