Chapter 2

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Lance watched as the flashlights dimmed in the distance. Lance smirked. Now the police had to retire for the night. Lance looked up at the sky. It did seem late. Lance did also feel a little sleepy, but his curiosity helped him stay awake. Soon Lance was sneaking towards the burnt building. He ducked behind some trashcans when he heard some footsteps. "Man... that was uncomfortable", he heard one police officer say. "Yeah... I mean who cuts up cat bodies", Lance heard the second one say. Lance silently reached down for his notebook, and in the dim moonlight wrote down what he heard. Lance then waited silently for the polices officers to keep walking. And luckily for him they did since they heard another noise coming from the distance. Lance then snuck through a small hole that was burned into the side of the building. Now all Lance had to do was make it to the fourth floor. Now the building that burned was a simple run down apartment. And Lance knew those well since he also lives in the same model of this apartment. Turns out most of the apartments in this city are very similar in design. Once Lance made sure to coast was clear, he scrambled silently to the stairs. But of course those were burnt too. Lance glared up at them. "Stupid fire", Lance murmured to himself. Lance then thought up and idea. He glanced around and notice that it was now dead silent. The cops must have already gone back to the station. Lance then put his plan to action. 

After a few very tense minutes of pushing trashcans and any other thing that was remotely square, Lance knew that his plan was now ready to put into action. Now the plan was simple. Lance was just going to climb this very unsafe mountain of trash and catapult himself onto the next floor. Lance then carefully climbed up the mountain and balanced himself on the top. He sucked in a breath and- his foot slipped and he yelped. Before he could catch himself he collided to the ground with a loud thump. Lance felt a pain in his head but ignored it. Suddenly he saw flashlights in the distance. Lance felt his heart start to go crazy. Turns out the police did not go back to the station. Lance lifted himself off of the ground and went back onto the pile. He then jumped onto the next floor, and just as he did a flashlight flew onto were he was just standing only seconds ago.

Lance held his breath as he hid behind a burnt bed. He listened in the darkness to the police officers as they talked about how it was probably a cat. Lance then peered out of the second story window. He watched as the police officers then walked down the road and got into there car. Lance then let go of his breath that he was holding in when the police car whizzed down the street and towards the station. Lance then lifted himself up from his crouched position. Lance then made his way towards the next flight of stairs. And in the darkness he did the same thing until he finally made it to the last and final floor. Which was the fourth.

Lance had multiple bruises when he finally got to the fourth floor. "This is the stupidest thing I have ever done", he whispered to himself as he pulled out the only light source he had. Which was a box of matches. He carefully took one out and struck it. The first thing he saw was a cats face. Lance held in a scream as he jumped back. His foot then snagged onto something on the ground and he fell with a loud thump. Lance had to regain his breath before he lit another match since the last one was blown out. Lance lit it, and the scene that greeted him made his blood run cold.

On the walls there was drawings of something. Lance could not figure it out. And the cats were maybe the worst part about the room. It looked like they were hung to the burnt ceiling by there intestines. Lance almost threw up his lunch that he ate at work. And the smell was the worst thing about it. It smelled like burnt meat, but since Lance knew where the smell came from it just made it disgusting to breath in. Lance, after a few seconds of freaking out, finally was able to stand again. Soon Lance was inspecting the whole room. He noticed that the cats were burned to a crisp and it seemed that the cat Lance got spooked by was screaming in pain when it died. Lance shivered at the thought of what that cat had went through. "Damn, Narti was creepy as fuck", Lance whispered. Suddenly a flash of red caught his eye. Lance turned around to a little corner of the room. It looked simple enough, but Lance felt like there was something more to it. Lance shined his fire light on it in curiosity. 

When Lance first saw it, he was confused. What was this doing here. He carefully placed the match into his mouth to examine the jewelry he had found. It was a simple ruby necklace. But the thing that struck Lance as odd was that it wasn't even damaged. It wasn't melted. It was charred. It just was... normal. As if it wasn't even in the fire at all. Lance traced his finger across it. Lance pulled back when he felt pain fly through his finger. He pulled back to see that his finger was now bleeding. Lance furrowed his eye brows in confusion. How did that happen? Before Lance could think of anymore questions he heard a small scuttle from the outside. He peaked down to see two figures standing in the night. Lance felt sweat building. What if these were cops? Or worse... well what could be worse then cops? Lance then shook his head to get rid of the stupid thought and he shoved the necklace into his pocket. He blew out the match and he carefully climbed down until he was on the ground floor. Once he was there he silently crawled back through the burnt hole, unnoticed. And with that he was off into the night and back to his small apartment.

But back at the building, the two shadow figures were looking in the room of the fourth floor. And when they couldn't find the necklace, they almost started another fire. 

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