Chapter Three

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Thirty minutes later, and after trying and trying, no one could get a single smile or giggle out of Todoroki. Midoriya was truly impressed, along with every other Class 1A student.

I would've failed by now, especially with Mina's act, Midoriya had sighed, everyone feeling the pain of defeat. More classmates had shown up in the span of 30 minutes, all joining in on the group's little game.

"He's un-laughable.." Mineta said, sighing in exasperation. "You can say that again..we've tried everything.." Kaminari added. "Wait!" Kirishima exclaimed, his face lighted up with idea.

"We haven't tried the tickling tactic yet, have we?" Kirishima thought. "Quickly! Uraraka, Kouji, grab his wrist!" Todoroki watched as they grabbed his wrists quickly, his eyes widened with confusion, "Wait—what?"

"This always works with Bakugo.." Kirishima chuckled, Bakugo glared at him in embarrassment, holding up his fist. "Shut up spiky-hair!" The red-haired boy had smirked mischievously, staring at Midoriya.

"Hey Midoriya! Go for his stomach!" he shouted. Midoriya stared in surprise, "W-Wait, you want me to tickle his s-stomach?"

"Do it! Do it!" Kaminari chanted, everyone around Midoriya joined, all chanting the same phrase. Midoriya, who now felt the feeling of peer-pressure from everyone in the room. "Don't be wussy Deku!" Bakugo added.

"Well..okay then," Midoriya said, weakly smiling as he looked down at Todoroki. His brown and turquoise eyes looked at Midoriya cluelessly, he struggled to escape Uraraka and Kouji's grip.

"Okay..h-here goes nothing.." Midoriya muttered. The boy watched as his hand reached down in the direction of Todoroki's stomach.

Finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for, his fingernail's hand made contact with his cloth-covered stomach, gently prodding its surface with his fingers. Again everyone grew silent, waiting for a reaction.

Todoroki's face expression seem to turn from somewhat-serious to an amused-like smile. Then it turned into a small chuckle, which had bewildered the whole group.

"Keep doing it! It's working!" Uraraka cheered, still holding tightly on Todoroki's wrist. Midoriya used another hand this time, using all of his fingers to tickle around his stomach's surface.

Now, it seemed Todoroki was about to die of laughter, chuckling his head off. "Stop—it!" Todoroki pleaded, wiggling violently on the floor as he died laughing.

"I've never seen such emotion from him!" Aoyama gasped dramatically. The room seemed to fill with amusement, even Bakugo was taking pleasure in it.

"Okay everyone! The food is now fully prepared and we can eat," Yaoyorozu interrupted as Todoroki was still practically dying on the floor. Midoriya had stopped the tickling as everyone's attention had directed to Momo.

"Finally, I'm starving," Sero had said, licking his lips as everyone stood. "I wonder what she's serving," Midoriya overheard Kaminari say to his friend.

Midoriya, who still rested near Todoroki, stood up, bowing quickly in apology. "Sorry for embarrassing you like that.." he muttered. Todoroki shrugged, obviously not minding the inconvenience. "It's fine, I guess. It's not that big of a deal."

Relieved, Midoriya had jumped up, making his way upstairs with the rest of the group, Yaoyorozu led them through the hallway towards the dining room. Once they had reached the room, she had pulled the doors, revealing the large room.

A long wooden table stretched across the room with empty seats awaited to be sat in. Above the table was a bright chandelier, covered in gold and bright crystals. In the middle of the table laid a long red cloth, each seat had its own empty plate.

"Where's the food?" Tokoyami asked quietly, glancing in Yaoyorozu's direction. "You'll see~" the black-haired girl smiled, watching as everyone seated. Midoriya had seated across from Todoroki, while Iida and Uraraka had seated on either side of him.

"Hello Midoriya," Iida greeted, adjusting his glasses as he settled himself in the seat. "Oh—hi Iida," Midoriya said, glancing around the room as everyone seated. Yaoyurozu stood at the end of the table, waving her hand up for their attention.

"Okay everyone! Your food shall now be served!" she chirped, several chefs appeared from the kitchen doorway with platters of delicious smelling food. The room was covered in excitement, all watching as the food was being handed out onto the table.

Uraraka, who sat not far from him, clapped her hands in delight. Her cheeks were rose-red, and her expression was bright with excitement. "The chefs have prepared us a traditional Japanese feast," Yaoyurozu had informed as the meal sat deliciously on the platters.

In front of Midoriya was a classic teriyaki salmon dish that he recognized, along with soba and many other flavorful foods. The room had filled with amazing smells, making Midoriya's mouth water like crazy. 

Then finally, when all of the dishes were placed, everyone placed their hands together, all saying, "Itadakimasu," politely before digging in.

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