Chapter Six

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The students of Class 1A had seated around the television, the aroma of popcorn smelled the air. With a bowl of the buttery snack in his hand, he waited patiently for the movie to begin.

"Do you want some pocky?" Todoroki offered, grasping a box of pocky in his hand. "Sure, thanks," Midoriya answered, taking a chocolate covered stick from the box.

Shortly after, Momo had inserted the disk, starting the movie. "Hey Yaoyorozu, what movie is this?" Jiro had wondered as the previews played. "I don't know a lot about it, but I'd say it's kind of a fantasy-based movie," Momo replied.

"It sure does look interesting," Kaminari had commented as he looked at the movie's case. For the next half hour, they had spent their time watching the movie. As Midoriya looked at his phone, the time had read '7:20'.

During the next majority of the hour, Kirishima had gotten a bad stomach ache. This caused him to vomit, on Bakugo's lap. "Dammit Kirishima!" he exclaimed, pushing away the red-haired teenager.

"Oh no—I'll get towels," Yaoyorozu had paused the movie, running upstairs. "I think I ate too much.." grumbled Kirishima, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Bakugo had grabbed his hand, yanking him upwards.

"We're going to the bathroom!" he growled, pulling Kirishima along. Yaoyorozu had returned with towels, cleaning up the mess that was made. When everything was settled again, Yaoyorozu had started the movie again.

It continued for the next hour, and everyone seemed to be enjoying it. Todoroki had fallen asleep next to him on the couch, moving him slightly due to the fact he had rested on his shoulder. The movie had ended at around 8:45, and some of the students had grown tired.

Midoriya had gently prodded Todoroki's arm until he had fully woken up. "Since we have some spare time before lights out, I think we should all tell stories. Fiction or nonfiction, either is fine," she had declared, gazing around the room for a volunteer. Bakugo, who had changed into different clothing, raised his hand.

"I'll go," he had spoken almost immediately. Bakugo had cleared his voice, ready to tell his story. "This story is about a dragon, obviously if you didn't know already it's fiction. Anyways, it all started off in a cave," the ash-blonde boy started off, getting straight into his story.

"A dragon had claimed it as his den, feared all of the punny locals. He had dark red scales, and deadly fire that he could shoot from his jaws!" Bakugo described spoke loudly, his fists clenched tightly in the hair.

"Scary.." Kirishima murmured in between his pause. "He terrorized the nearby villages, leaving nothing a burnt crisp. There was no one who could tame the rare beast until a mighty dragon tamer came along!" he told boldly, beating his chest.

He's putting himself into the story? Midoriya had thought. Is Kacchan secretly a dragon tamer? "With his brilliant skills, he himself was able to tame the dragon. Then, they became best friends and fought by each other's sides. The end," Bakugo had concluded quickly, not bothering to say another word.

"That was an interesting story," Mina had commented with a small smirk. "If you guys wouldn't mind, I would like to tell a true story." Mina had crossed her legs, her fluffy-pink hair poked in all directions. "Well, when I was around my sixth birthday, my parents had made me a special meal."

"I remember being so excited, I couldn't contain myself. After waiting all day for dinner, my father had brought over our meal to the table. And when he placed it on the table--" Mina had started giggling slightly before she could finish her sentence.

"Say it!" Hagakure begged. "I-I threw my hands in the air, and as I did so, I sprayed acid in his eyes!" she bursted out laughing, along with some of the other people around her. "I'm guessing that's how you discovered your quirk?" Ururaka wondered.

Mina nodded, scratching the back of her neck. "Y-Yeah..luckily I didn't actually his injure eye. But in the end, I guess it was kind of funny, huh?" Murmurs spread throughout the teenagers, many of them shared their own little stories.

Then, after that—"Hey Bakugo, catch this!" Kirishima had taken a pillow, chucking it hard at Bakugo's face. It made a direct hit, catching him perfectly off guard. Midoriya couldn't help but flinch. How did Kirishima have the gut to do that..?

The ash-blonde had crunched his fist together, taking the pillow with a scary grin on his face. "You wanna play that game, huh?"

My Hero Academia | Class 1A's "Interesting" Sleepover (Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora