Chapter Eight

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Midoriya's tired eyes had slowly blinked open, immediately noticing the sun's rays shining through the basement windows. He laid in his sleeping bag on the carpet floor, a few feet apart Todoroki sat fully awake on his phone.

Only a few were awake, which included Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Aoyama, Tsuyu, Hagakure, and himself. The time was around 7:30, which was a usual time for him to wake up. He yawned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up from his sleeping bag.

Yaoyorozu glanced in his direction, waving with a small smile. "Morning~" she whispered, brushing her long black hair. Midoriya waved back, removing the sleeping bag's cover from his lap.

"I'm going to get dressed if you don't mind," he replied, standing up to grab his bag. He dug through his bag of junk until he finally found a set of fresh clothes, pulling them from his backpack.

After that, he disappeared into the bathroom. Five minutes later, he returned with a new set of clothes on, combing his fluffy green hair. Kirishima was awake now, gently drawing black marker on Bakugo's face. "I could do this for hours, he's such a heavy sleeper," Kirishima said quietly, grinning mischievously. "Just add a little mustache...and some of that--"

He sure has some nerve. Midoriya had thought, imagining how angered he'd be once awakened. "Congratulations, you've found another way to piss off Bakugo..." Jiro muttered, fully awake and still dressed in her pj's.

The red spiky-haired boy snorted, obviously not bothered by her words, "What's the worst he could do?" After around a minute, he stopped sketching on his face, looking down proudly on his artwork.

As Midoriya waited for everyone else to awaken, he texted his mom a warm message, simply telling her "good morning!" Soon after, she replied almost immediately with, "did you have a good night's sleep?"

As he did his own thing, more seemed to wake up. Bakugo was one of the last ones, along with Kaminari and Mina. "Should we wake them up?" Midoriya wondered. Yaoyoruzo placed her hand under her chin, "Maybe? I don't want to disturb them though, especially Bakugo.."

She was silent for a moment, most likely speculating a solution. Then she raised her finger, her face flashed with idea. "What if we do a group vote. All those in favor in waking them up, raise your hand," Yaoyorozu commanded.

It took around ten seconds for everyone to make there decision, then Yaoyorozu counted the numbers, including herself. She sighed deeply, "Close vote. Twelve to ten, I guess we'll have to wake them up."

It was then decided, Kirishima would wake up Bakugo, Sero was in charge of Kaminari, and finally Hagakure would awaken Mina. "Okay sleepy-head, get your ass up," Kirishima muttered in his ear, poking him in the rib.

Bakugo groaned in annoyance, shielding his face from Kirishima. "Fuck off.." he replied. "Pssst, wake up Mina.." Hagakure murmured gently, nudging her friend's shoulder. Mina had fidgeted slightly, gently opening her dark colored eyes. "Nngh..I'm up."

Meanwhile, Sero poked his classmate on the head. "Wake up, wake up, wake up~" he repeated over and over again until Kaminari had finally awakened. "Great, now that everyone is awake, we can eat breakfast together!" Yaoyoruzo chirped excitedly.

Kaminari had yawned, "Speaking of breakfast, when are we going to eat exactly?" As the girl fixed her dark hair into a ponytail, she looked in Kaminari's direction. "Mm, I think in about ten minutes? Everyone better be hungry!"

"Okay then, let's play some games in the mean time!" Sero had commented. "Good idea!" Ururaka added. "Midoriya and I will play first," Todoroki put in almost immediately, glancing down at Midoriya.

He had looked back at Todoroki, surprised by his sudden comment. "Well—okay then, you guys want to play the Wii?" Yaoyoruzo asked. Todoroki, who was still staring at Midoriya, waited patiently for an answer from him. "Y-Yeah, sure," Midoriya replied quickly.

Yaoyoruzo had booted up the Wii, Midoriya seated on a bean bag next to Todoroki. She handed both of them a remote, soon after the Wii's main screen had appeared. "Okay, what do you want to play first?" Midoriya asked his classmate.

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