Chapter Nine

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Midoriya's fingers fidgeted around the game's controller, both Todoroki and himself facing off in a game of Mario Kart. "Dang, they're actually pretty good," Hagakure put in. Midoriya had taken the lead as the character Yoshi, while Todoroki came in second as Mario.

"So tell me, what caused you to choose Mario, Todoroki?" Uraraka wondered curiously. He shrugged. "I couldn't make up my mind, so I just chose the character I knew most," Todoroki said in reply, while his gaze was still intent on the screen in front of him.

A few seconds later, Todoroki had taken the lead, both at a close race. Cheers spread throughout the room, there was pressure pouring down on both of them. The finish line was near between Mario and Yoshi, Midoriya in first and Todoroki in second.

Suddenly, Mario had taken a different track in a different direction, one Midoriya hadn't even noticed was there. A few seconds later, Todoroki had taken first place. He struggled to catch up but was unable to. The red and white haired boy had won.

He sighed in relief, glad the match was over. Midoriya looked over at his friend with a smile, holding his hand out. "Good job!" he spoke as Todoroki shook his hand back, he also smiled slightly.

"Perfect timing, breakfast is about ready," Yaoyorozu added about halfway up the stairs, guiding her hand for everyone to follow after. There was no hesitation throughout the students, everyone was indeed hungry, even after their large meal the night before.

Once again they had each gathered upstairs, huddling into the large dining room. There were platters filled with mouth-watering meals spread along the table, plates aligned in each seat. "My parents ordered in meals from throughout Japan and the western countries," Yaoyorozu explained as everyone seated.

"Am I eating at a classmate's house, or some kind of fancy dinner?" Kaminari said in awe as he entered the room. "I know right? Yaoyorozu's house is amazing!" Mineta added to his friend's comment. Midoriya seated at the very end of the table this time, eyeing the breakfast food.

"She wasn't kidding when her parents actually ordered in western-based foods.." Tokoyami said, almost immediately noticing the neatly stacked pancakes and crisp colored bacon. "You've done it again, Momo!" Hagakure's voice sounded from behind Yaoyoruzo, the black-haired girl smiled with delight.

"I'm flattered!" she replied to her friend's friendly comment. Everyone had finally seated, all ready to munch down on the provided meal. They quickly spoke their prayers, immediately after digging into the food. "So Midoriya, what do you plan on doing for the rest of the evening?" Tyusu wondered.

He shrugged, "I don't really know, to be honest. I might study for the next terms coming up, but besides that, nothing really else." Tsuyu nodded slightly, replying with a simple: "cool".

"Random question, Midoriya," Kaminari, who seated next to him, approached him curiously as he ate. "Do you think of All Might as a—how do I put figure, or something?" Midoriya was caught off guard by his question, nearly choking on the food he was swallowing.

"Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" Todoroki's words rang in his ears, nervously chuckling at the thought. "Uh-well—" but before he could answer, Jiro had interrupted him to scold Kaminari. "You don't just ask someone that kind of personal question!"

Kaminari had crossed his arms. "It's not like I meant to ask it so suddenly. I just can't help but realize Midoriya's strong admiration for All Might, it kind of reminds me of a son looking up to his father." The green-haired boy didn't know what to say, so instead, he quickly changed the subject.

"H-Have you guys started feeling any improvements in your quirks? Especially since the beginning of the school year?" Midoriya wondered. Kaminari was silent for a moment, obviously in thought.

"I think I've been able to increase my agility, along with my overall power," Tsuyu had answered first. "I can shoot my acid at farther distances now, but it makes it harder for me to control it like that," Mina had said from across the table, her mouth full of pancake.

Midoriya had nodded, glancing in Kaminari's direction. "What about you, Kaminari?" he asked. "Hmm, I guess I have a better grasp over emitting my electricity. I use to have a lot of troubles controlling it, which made it difficult for me to use in combat," Kaminari explained.

"So does that mean you can have a better control at whether it reaches shorter or farther distances?" Midoriya added curiously. The yellow-haired boy shrugged, "Kind of, I guess? It mainly depends on the type of situation."

He nodded in understanding, focusing back onto his plate. It's interesting to see how everyone's improved, including myself. Midoriya had realized, grabbing ahold of his chopsticks between his fingers.

Sorry if it has been awhile since I've uploaded. I've had a terrible case of writers block, so to make up, I decided to create a longer chapter. I kind of rushed it, so again, I am sorry if I left any unchecked mistakes. Besides that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

— Soy ~

My Hero Academia | Class 1A's "Interesting" Sleepover (Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora