Chapter Ten (Final)

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"Aw man, I wish I didn't have to leave. This place is so awesome!" Midoriya overheard Hagakure complain as they packed their bags. He stuffed his toothbrush and paste in one of his bag's pockets afterward trying to fit his pillow into the narrow-sized backpack.

Yawning, he zipped up his bag, which just about fit his pillow. Midoriya had looked around the basement, noticing everyone else was about done packing too. He was thankful to be able to bond with his classmates through this sleepover, and it seemed as if he was able to learn things he never knew about them.

"Hey Midoriya--have you seen my comb?" Kirishima wondered, scratching his head cluelessly. He shook his head back, "No, I don't think so.." Kirshima sighed deeply. "Oh well, it was only a new comb anyway.." the boy murmured.

"Everyone—wait!" Yaoyoruzo's voice rung from upstairs, she appeared quickly with a box full of small bags. She hopped around the room, handing everyone a single bag of items. "Goody bags?" Mina questioned. "Yes, as a gesture of my gratitude, I grant you all these bags of wondrous items," Yaoyorozu chirped happily.

"Aw, you know you didn't have to.." Jiro told her friend, digging into the bag curiously. "I couldn't help myself, I'm very thankful for all of you showing up," she replied as she handed Midoriya a bag, still smiling as almost always.

Kirishima almost immediately pulled out a tiny plush that fit perfectly in his hand. "It's a dog, cool!" he exclaimed, holding up the chubby-shaped dog plush in the air. "Oh—a Kendama," Jiro spoke as she removed the wooden toy from her bag, swinging the string-attached ball.

Midoriya had peeked into his bag, noticing a blue and green colored bracelet, along with some other small items. "You're too nice Momo.." Hagakure hugged her friend once again, holding a small cat figurine as she did. There was a happy an joyful mood filling the basement, and everyone seemed to be enjoying their last moments of the sleepover.

A few minutes later, most of the group stood at the entrance way with their luggage from the sleepover. As they stood in front of the door, they all bowed thankfully. "Thank you Yaoyoruzo!" many of her classmates shouted, even Bakugo seemed to in a low, quiet tone.

Soon after, the students gathered outside to leave. The sun perched high in the sky now, it's rays shined down on the land below. Midoriya had to cover his eyes with his arms, still adjusting to it's bright glow. "Goodbye everyone!" Yaoyoruzo waved, watching from the front door as they left.

Midoriya had waved back, disappearing down the driveway. Yaoyoruzo had opened her house gate for them, allowing them to leave her estate. The green-haired teenager walked at Todoroki's side, passing onto the sidewalk.

Kirishima and Bakugo were a few feet behind them, Midoriya assumed their destinations were in the same direction. "What are you guys doing after this?" Todoroki wondered. "Wouldn't you like to know half-and-half," Bakugo growled.

"Bakugo and I are actually—" before Kirishima could finish his sentence, Bakugo had shoved his hand in front of Kirishima's mouth, glaring at him. "Would you shut your loud mouth for once, shitty-hair!" Bakugo hissed.

"What are you doing, Midoriya?" Todoroki glanced his direction, his different colored eyes stared in curiosity.

"Who knows?"

That's the end of this fanfiction. Thank you for reading, even if you only read a few pages! I plan on making more further in the future, so look out for that! See you guys later!


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