Chapter Four

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"I'm stuffed!" Kaminari groaned as the students gathered back into the basement. "I think I'm gonna throw up.." Kirishima added. The teenagers seemed to have calmed down after their meal, everyone's stomachs filled with food.

Midoriya settled down near his bean-bag, now changed into his warm pajamas barefoot. "Hey Tokoyami, get your Ouija board out!" Sero requested, everyone gathering into a large circle.

"D-Do we have to play this?" Koda murmured in a very quiet voice, obviously not intent on playing the demonic game. "Come on Koda, I'm sure it'll be fine," Mina had encouraged confidently, Koda still looked terrified, but didn't reply.

'I've never played this, but I've heard some pretty scary stuff about it', Midoriya told himself, a chill ran down his spine just thinking about them. Once everyone had joined into the circle, Tokoyami had pulled out a flat board reading 'Ouija' at the top.

As he placed it in the middle of their circle, the room seemed to grow creepily silent. "Okay, would anyone like to place their hand on the planchette?" Kaminari asked as he glanced around the area.

Several people had bravely volunteered, which included Tsuyu, Jiro, Kirishima, Mineta, and Bakugo. "This game is bullshit," Bakugo mumbled, each of them gathered closely around the Ouiji Board.

Midoriya watched nervously as they placed their hands on the small triangular-shaped board, Tsuyu started off with a question. "Is there anyone here? Ribbit," she asked, her long dark sea-green hair hung loosely behind her.

Nothing seemed to happen for a few moments until the planchette had slowly moved, landing on the 'yes'. Then, room had suddenly turned pitch-black.

There were short gasps from the people around him, the group grew into a panic with loud whispers and murmurs.

"I can't see anything!" Midoriya overheard a female classmate exclaim loudly. "Calm down everyone, I'm sure it's just a broken powerline!" Momo had said, trying to calm everyone down. Her words didn't seem to help though, the room had intensified with noise.

After nearly a minute of nothing but noise,  an ear-bleeding shout had sounded from the dark.


The voice, obviously coming from Bakugo, seemed to silence the group. After the noise had died down, someone had spoken. "I have some flashlights we can use to light up the room," Hagakure commented. "Oh--I also have some scented candles we can use!" Momo added in her typical cheery voice.

Midoriya could hear them moving around in the dark, Momo had gone quickly upstairs with Jiro to receive some candles while Hagakure grabbed some flashlights from her bag. Soon, they returned with the supplies, Momo placing four lit candles around the Ouiji Board. 

Hagakure had given several classmates her flashlights, including Midoriya. "Okay, now that we have some light, I'd like to ask a question," Mineta said, again placing his hand on the planchette along with the others. Mineta had cleared his throat, grinning weirdly as he looked down over the board.

"Is it true that I'll get a girlfriend!?" Mineta had asked unexpectedly, though Midoriya couldn't say he was surprised. His fellow classmates gave him a weird look, except Kaminari, who gave him a cheeky thumbs up. "Out of all the things, why would you ask that to a spirit?" Jiro, who sat next to him, questioned the boy in an annoyed manner.

"Quiet! I wanna see my answer!" Mineta had hushed her, eyeing the board closely. After waiting for at least a minute with their hands on the planchette, it never moved from 'yes'. Mineta had cried with joy, tears streamed from his eyes. "I do have a chance!" he exclaimed, rolling onto the floor with happiness.

"Well that was unexpected.." Ururaka had said, deeply sighing.

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