Chapter Seven

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"Throw me your best shot, Bakugo," Kirishima shot back to his friend. Bakugo had aimed the pillow in Kirishima's direction, lifting his arm into the air. Then as hard as he could, he chucked the pillow at him with a quick swipe from his arm.

Kirishima was fast enough to dodge his swift throw, ducking his head downwards. "C-Careful guys! You might—" but before Yaoyorozu could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by a loud shrill from Mineta. "PILLOW FIGHT!"

Midoriya had notice Mineta, Sero, Jiro, and Sato grab their pillows almost immediately. In the blink of a eye, a pillow fight had broken out between the U.A students. Midoriya shielded his face with his hands, grabbing the closest pillow he could find.

He could suddenly feel Bakugo's gaze burn through him, slowly looking up at the boy wide-eyed. "L-Look..Kacchan..we can talk about t-this.." he stuttered, ready to shield himself with his pillow. "Deku.." he grumbled in a low tone. I can't be afraid of him, I have to fight back, Midoriya had realized, easing his nervousness with the thought.

He faced the ash-blonde eye-to-eye, gripping the pillow tightly in his hands. Remembering a defensive tactic he had mastered, he side kicked Bakugo by the ankle, which had caught him off guard.

Then as he collapsed to his knees, Midoriya had swiftly threw his pillow into the air with one hand, throwing the pillow hard onto his stomach without realizing his own strength. "Nice move Midoriya!" Ururaka had exclaimed.

Bakugo had the air knocked out of him, laying on the floor trying to catch his breath. "You okay, dude?" Kirishima had asked, reaching his hand out for Bakugo's. He grunted in reply, taking his friend's hand. "S-Sorry Kacchan.." Midoriya had apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Stupid Deku.." Bakugo murmured, quickly turning away from his classmate. Midoriya had smiled slightly, couldn't help but feel proud taken down his fellow classmate. But, when he thought all was safe—

"Midoriya! Watch out!" he heard Iida's warn, unaware of the sudden danger. He spun around, but it was too late. Kaminari stood behind him, pillow ready in the air. Midoriya, who was caught off guard by the sudden ambush, covered his eyes tightly.

He waited for the pillow's surface to hit his body, but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes, realizing Todoroki had stood before him. He shielded both him and Midoriya with a pillow, blocking Kaminari's attempted attack.

"T-Todoroki?" Midoriya had muttered the blink of a moment.

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