Chapter 2: did you just....?

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Maskys pov

I woke up next to toby. "Agggh wtf?" I ask sitting up. I look to my side and smile...aww wittle toby is sooo cute sleeping! AH ok tim wtf?!

I stand up and head towards the door. As i walk i walk past BEN who smelt like drugs. I roll my eyes and keep walking. "Hey Masky?" Asks jeff. "Yeah?" I respond. "Where is hoody he's usually right beside you?" Jeff point out. I shrug. "Probably on a mission with Clocky...he said something about that two days ago.".  I hear a yawn and look back, seeing toby still in his black long sleeve and jeans. "Good moring *yawn* guys" he says rubbing his eyes. "Morning" me and Jeff say. BEN ran next to Jeff. "JEFFY!!!" he screams. Me and toby give Jeff a 'What the hell did he just call you?' Look. 

"Uh....Yes?" He asks slowly stairing at us. "Come....Oh its Masky...." ben growls making me look down at the floor. "HEY BITCH BOY! WHADDA HELL DID HE DO TO YOU?!" Toby asks sounding annoyed. " Oh he just ruined a couple things of mine and broke sonething we shared!" He responded. I bit my lip under my mask. Holding back tears hurts!

Someone moves my mask and i just sit there. "What's wrong Mask?" Toby asks. I sit still not saying or moving just breathing and a few tears comming down my face. "Masky if you can't answer then i can't help." He says. "FINE TOBY THE WORLD... THE WORKD IS WHAT'S WRONG!" i scream standing up and walking towards the door.

Just as i turn the knob Jeff stops me and turns me looking at him,BEN, and toby all staring wide eyed at me. "What?!" I asks crying harder. "Just tell me what he ment by something yall shared!" Jeff said pulling me into a hug. "WEDATEDANDIBROKEUPWITHHIMTHEDAYYOUCAMETOBY!" I screamed out. Jeff pulled me back and shakes his head. "Say that slower" i take a deep breath. "We dated and i broke up with him the day Toby came here!" I bit my lip Once again holding back tears.

"So its my fault?" Toby asks. "NONONONONO!!!" I scream pulling free from jeff and going to Toby hugging him tightly. " are ok u didn't cause this at all Toby" i whisper kissing his neck then letting him go. Suddenly everyone's quiet. I turn around and jeff and ben are stareing at me with mouths open. "Uh....i can explain...." i say.  "Were gay and a couple.....we've been together for a month now..." Toby says picking me up bridal style.

I hear jeff let out a sigh and say, "Finaly i can get this ou-" ben interups jeff, "ITS BEN X JEFF XD" he screams. Toby giggles and gives jeff a thumbs up and takes me to his room. When we arrive at our destination he takes off his goggles and mouth piece. I blush and look away as he takes his shirt off to put on his long sleeve.

"Aww, did i turn Masky on?~" he asks suductive. I blush a deeper red and slowly shake my head 'no'.  He crawls up beside me and pulls me towards him. "Night~" he says and kisses my ear and falls asleep behind me.

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