2.15 O-Ma-Shu

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"I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed..." Aang pauses, turning to face his friends, all of whom are looking at the war torn country with disdain.

"Untouchable." Asha finishes for him, staring at the once great city.

"Up until now it was.  Now Ba-Sing-Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."  Sokka walks up to Asha, the girl still looking to the broken city. One of his hands rests on her shoulders, offering comfort in the only way he knows how.

"This is horrible, but we have to move on." Katara tries with Aang, knowing if she can get him, Asha will follow. 

"No. I'm going to find Bumi."  Aang is firm, looking to the ground, dashing Katara's hopes. 

"Bumi's here?" Asha finally turns, her lips twitching into a small, hopeful smile. 

"Aang, stop. Don't get her going. We don't even know if Bumi's still..." Sokka pauses. Asha's face falling and Aang furrowing his brows. The Avatar turns to the warrior, eyes narrowing.

"What? If he's still what?" He steps forward, shoulders squaring as his expression hardens.

"Around..." Sokka avoids his gaze. 

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people around who can teach you Earth bending." Katara speaks softly, scared of setting off the Avatar.

"I don't think this isn't about finding a teacher anymore." Asha looks to the two, walking away from Sokka to stand beside Aang. 

"It's about finding a friend." Aang finishes, looking over to the city. 


"A secret passage?"  Sokka turns to the pipe, the glancing at the air benders trying to open it. They hit the latch respectively, hoping to break it free from the rust keeping it close.

"Why didn't we use this last time?" Sokka's question answers itself as the cap pops off, a huge gout of sewage washing over him. 

"Does that answer your question?" Aang smirks at Sokka. 

"You guys came here without me?" Asha looks at Aang with mocking hurt.

"In my defense, I didn't know you were still alive..." He sticks his tongue out at her, jumping down. Rolling her eyes, Asha follows. 

Slowly, they crawl in, Aang leading, then Asha, Katara and finally Sokka. The three benders bend the sewage out of their way, leaving poor Sokka to tread through it.  Asha has to bite down laughs at Sokka's misfortune. 

Using a gust of wind, Aang pops off the manhole cover for  a second, letting it settle before pushing it open and peering out. Deciding it clear, he pushes it open before turning to help Asha out, the girl looks around in disbelief.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought." Katara dusts herself off as she gets out. Looking back only to muffle a scream at her brother. 

Sokka groans as he comes out, the sewage dripping off, making him look like some sort of monster.  Asha widens her eyes, turning to a nearby barrel. Bending the water, she splashes it onto Sokka, washing away the sewage as Aang uses air bending to dry him. 

"Nice bending," Katara walks next to Asha, patting her shoulder. It wasn't often the girl used water bending, so watching her do it was another phenomenon of its own.

The girls look over at Sokka as he lets out a yell. The boy currently trying to pry an octupus like creature from his cheek, only for it to slap back.

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