Chapter 1

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"Another "A" on my Chem test," said Rose as her teacher passed back her test with a purple "A" on it.

"I think you cheated on your test just to be better than everyone else here." said Simon as he threw his test straight in the trash, knowing he had gotten another failing test grade. He and Rose were great friends back in elementary, middle, and freshman year of high school. Simon started to dislike Rose when he would ask her to play some Mario Cart at his house but she refused after she said she was studying for the upcoming midterm finals; which were two weeks away, but she wanted to make her parents proud.

Upon her refusal multiple times, Simon decided to find some other friends who were "better" than Rose. They started to bully her for her smartness and sometimes called her a nerd. She didn't care if they called her names. All her teachers respected her so she took the bulling to one of her teachers, Ms. Lilly, who then took it to the principle, who told the boys if they bullied Rose again, he would call their parents. They didn't think he would so they did, and other than calling home, they were suspended for 2 weeks for what they did.

That was sophomore year. This is junior year and things were the same as usual in Rose's classes. Always called on to answer a question; since she was the only one who actually knew the answer. In math she even showed her work.

Soon enough, it was the end of the school year. The summer air blew through the open windows the teachers had left open.

"Finally," Rose sighed, "I can go home and not worry about Simon for three months." He was in her first, third and fourth periods so she only gets a break second and fifth period.

"So, how was your last day of junior year, loser?" shouted Simon, who pulled his car up to Rose as she was getting in her car.

"Well other than getting passing grades on my SATs, it was fine." She sighed. The whole year, Simon was always trying to impress Rose. It never worked though. As Rose pulled out of the school lot, Simon shouted to her before she got out of earshot

"Like the paint job on my car? Got it done last week." No response from Rose. "That's cool, see you next year Loser."

With the sunroof down on her Malibu, Rose drove got onto the highway toward her hometown of Cold Spring, New York. The summer wind blew her hair behind her as she picked up speed to 60 mph. The sound of a bunch of boys in a pickup truck come racing down yelling to Rose to call them. Rolling her eyes, she exited the freeway and drove to her house where her siblings would be awaiting her arrival. Pulling down her street she shuffled her music on her phone and turned the volume up to 50.

"One foot in front of the other," sang Rose as she pulled into the driveway, turned down the volume, shut off the ignition and got out of the car. Walking into her house, she remembered that her parents wouldn't be home until four. So she had the house to herself for a few hours.

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