Chapter 5

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A few weeks after Rose had heard the sounds in her closet, strange things started happening around her house. She woke up to find a midnight blue cloak lying on her bed. Then when she was shooting she noticed her arrows were different. Instead of carbon with red and white feathers, she had actual wooden arrows with forest green feathers. The strangest part was when she started hearing voices around the house but no one else could hear them. She could still hear them even though the voices were speaking in a different language.

Soon all the strange things stopped which was very sudden but the things she received she got to keep. She was enjoying the gifts she got but it was weird that the gifts were all something she wanted.

Later when she was drawing, she heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it! I'll get it!" Shouted Timber who was running to the door.

"You don't know who it is," responded Rose, "it could just be someone selling stuff or just a neighbor."

When Rose was coming down the stairs, she heard the front door close and the sound of Timber talking to someone at the door.

"Ugh, Timber I told you-" started Rose but stopped when she realized who it actually was.

"Hey Logan, I didn't realize you were coming over. You should've at least texted me that you were coming." Said Rose, who was a little annoyed but also very happy to see him.

"Sorry Rose I was in a bit of a hurry to get here and see you." Responded Logan. Logan was her guy friend who gave her the tickets and has been friends with Rose for almost 5 years.

"Do you know what day it is? asked Logan, who seemed like he was hiding something.

"Actually I don't know, what day is it?" Said Rose, who looked nervous and started fiddling with her jacket zipper.

"Today is the day that I get to treat you to some ice-cream since you are my best friend," he said while pulling out two Dairy Queen certificates from his back pocket.

"Really?! You don't have to do this for me," said Rose "besides you gave me those movie tickets that other time."

"Oh yeah, you are right. I forgot about that," said Logan, who was recalling that same day.

"So when are when we going?" asked Rose, who was struggling to get her shoes on and grabbing her bag.

"Going where? Oh yeah, I'm just waiting for you," said Logan, who was holding the door open for her.

While driving to Dairy Queen, Rose kept thinking about those movie tickets hanging on her board.

"I hope we go watch it soon," she thought to herself, "it's almost been a month since he gave them to me. I hope he didn't forget about them."

As they pulled into the parking lot, Logan looked over to Rose, who seemed a little worried.

"You ok?" He asked, "you seem like you saw-" He look where she was looking and realized not what but who it was.

"Oh, Rose don't worry, he won't know who I am and since you've gotten more beautiful, he probably won't know who you are either. But if you keep looking, he might just remember who you are," said Logan when he saw Rose's old boyfriend, Mason.

After they had gotten their ice cream, they sat at a table and caught each other up on how their junior year went. As they were finishing up their ice cream, Mason walked over to their table with a smoothie in his hand.

"Hey cutie," he said "do you have plans this weekend? I was wondering if you wanted to come to the movies with me."

"Play it off. Play it off." thought Rose to herself.

Logan held his breath and his reaction while she was talking to him with an on key British accent to hide her actual voice.

"Well, I have stuff going on this weekend so I can't. Sorry." Rose said while taking a bite of her ice cream.

"Oh, ok well what about next week?" Mason said really eager.

"No, I'm going on a trip with my family," she responded smartly.

"Well can I at least have your number?" he asked.

"No, because you know who I am," Rose said in her normal voice. "I'm ready to leave Logan."

Logan had already dug out his car keys and opened the door for her,

"Let's go, babe." She said while winking to Logan to play alone with her so they could leave faster.

"Wait, I don't know you do I?" Mason asked so confusedly, then his face changed from confusion to shock when he realized who he was talking to.

"Oh, YOU!!!" he said while standing up while spilling his smoothie all over his jeans.

"Yep he knows now Rose let's go," said Logan as they drove out of the parking lot.

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