Chapter 7

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Waking up on a Monday morning without having to get up early was something Rose was happy to do. She got up and looked out her window which laid out in front of her the woods, a light fog above the trees and the sun rising behind everything. While looking out into the woods, she saw a tall, shadowy figure standing at the edge of it. She thought she was hallucinating, but when the figure turned and walked deeper into the woods, she knew something was up. Rose quickly got dressed and when she was about to leave, she decided to bring her bow and cloak, just in case.

When Rose got to the edge of the woods she noticed how dark it was in the woods. The darkness reminded her of the previous night, then she remembered the small blue lights. So with her courage, she went into the woods. As she went deeper into the woods, something caught her eye. Looking at where she saw it, she saw a beautiful sight. An entire line of small blue lights started at a clearing in the woods and continued into the woods. Being very cautious, Rose decided to throw a small stone to see if the lights would disappear. When she did, the lights did nothing. They just stood there.

She finally decided to follow them. Carefully climbing down to the clearing, she slowly walked toward them. When she got two feet from them the first one disappeared. Surprised and a little afraid, she backed up. When she was five feet from the light trail, the first one reappeared.

"I've heard of these," she said. "I believed they are called either sprites or will o' the wisps I can't remember. No, sprites would scatter if I got this close to a nest or home, they have to be wisps."

After recalling that Will o' the Wisps are the spirits of deceased or loved ones and will lead the finder to either treasure or doom or change their fate. She had two out of three chances of it being good or this would be the last thing she sees. She took her chances and followed them. As she followed them, Rose noticed the woods getting lighter and lighter as she went. So while she got excited as she went, the Wisps disappeared finally leaving her in an area of the woods she had never been before. Looking around and carefully taking in every detail, she heard the voice of someone speaking but she couldn't understand them.

"Ni sinte tye pole- han- me. Ni mére- tye ana hil- mime óma," the voice said, "Ni've túl ana help tye. Lar- mime óma."

Upon hearing the voice and something moving in the trees, Rose nocked an arrow and stood ready to fire at a moment's notice. After nothing happened, she removed her arrow from the string. As soon as she put the arrow back in her quiver, an arrow flew. Acting quickly, she used the closest thing to block the arrow from skewing her which was her own bow. Closing her eyes, she raised the bow to cover her face and waited. Suddenly the sound of metal against wood broke the silence. Slowly opening her eyes she realized not only did the arrow hit her bow, but had broken the bow into two halves. Looking at her broken bow, she decided to head home. Standing up, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell down onto the forest floor. Before losing consciousness and through her blurry vision, she saw a tall figure walk towards her, then she let the darkness take her.

(I had to use/find an Elvish translator to help me with the Elvish Language line in this chapter. The LOTR books use two Elvish languages Sindarin and Quenya. These two languages are the two main ones used in the books as well as the movies.)

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