Chapter 6

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After getting back from her day with Logan, Rose spent the rest of her night until 10 p.m. drawing one of her favorite mysteries of the universe, Galaxies. She decided on a green and blue galaxy which were very vibrant in color against the black void of space.

While adding some teal pastel to the drawing, she looked out her window to see a small blue light on the edge of the woods. It almost looked like it was standing idle waiting for something, but then more little blue lights appeared almost like a trail of them leading into the forest. Rose kept looking but she realized what time it was and decided to check what the lights were tomorrow morning. She looked once more at her drawing before going to bed and decided that she would need to work on it some more the next day so she left it on her easel. As she turned off her light, she noticed the lights were dimming slowly. Peering at the lights one final time she wondered, what are those lights before letting sleep overcome her.

Hello everyone I am so sorry that I haven't been writing lately, school has started back up and keeping up with two honors classes and afterschool activities has me stressed out a little... Also I am sorry this chapter is really short. I promise the next chapter I will have a lot coming your way... Thank you for keeping up this long if you have and are waiting very patiently.

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