Chapter 8

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Rose was running toward the mountain with the dwarves at her heels. Looking behind her, she caught a glimpse of Thorin with fear on his face as he fended off the goblins that came to kill them. As the group of goblins slowly surrounded the dwarves and Rose, she eventually brought out and readied her dual swords, forged by Mirkwood's elven blacksmiths. She fought hard and when she thought she was done, she turned around and saw the leader of the goblins raising his sword above his head and bringing its deadly blade down. She screamed.

She awoke from her dream with sweat dripping on her. She laid back down and thought of the dream she had. She was with thirteen short but strong men and they fought the creatures that came towards them which she didn't know what they were. She laid there wondering what the dream meant. While she was thinking she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sunlight streamed through the open windows as Rose slowly woke from her sleep. As she stretched while sitting in her bed, she noticed her bed was softer than usual. Looking around she realized she wasn't in her own bed, worse, she wasn't in her own bed.

While she took in her surroundings, Rose heard a knock at the door. With a calm voice, she said:, "come in."

The door opened and a tall man with elegant robes walked in followed by another wearing what looked servant-like.

"Ah, I see that our guest has awoken from her sleep," said the one with elegant robes.

Turning toward the other man he spoke in a low voice and he left quickly and returned with a small stack of clothes.

"Here are your clothes you will be wearing. I do not think you will fit in with everyone else if you wear your clothes," said the elegantly dressed man, "also I believe you have a lot of questions, I will try to answer them if it is possible."

Taking the stack of clothes, the servant directed Rose towards a changing screen where she could change into her new clothes.

While changing, Rose asked the basic questions, where she was, what his name was, and how she got here. The man introduced himself as Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, which is where she was. Although he said he had no idea how she got here. He continued that he was informed that the guest room was being used and he decided to check on his 'guest' and when he peeked into the room, she was sleeping peacefully. So that left with the question of how she got here.

"I don't even know how I got here, I fainted after almost being skewered by an arrow then woke up here," Rose said while clasping the back of the dress to the joining sleeves.

After putting finishing putting the dress on, she walked out and Elrond turned around from where he was standing on the balcony.

"That dress fits you perfectly," he said in amazement, "I'll ask one of my servants to do up your hair if you would like." He added.

After sitting still for what felt like an hour, the servant had just finished putting the clasps in Rose's hair to keep it in place when a horn sounded.

"Ah -yes sounds ve emme have unexpected guests," said the servant getting up, "good thing I have finished, Miss Rose. You will have to join Lord Elrond at the meeting circle if you would like me to show you the way I can."

"That would be appreciated, thank you" responded Rose, "wait did you speak in elvish?"

"I did yes, how did you know?" asked the servant while leading the way to the circle.

"I speak the language as well," responded Rose, "An example ni pole- eques sina phrase ar limbe tare."

The servant was very surprised but also amazed she could speak her language. Remembering they need to be at the circle, she told Rose they needed to quicken their pace if they were going to make it. As they walked out the wooden carved doors, they saw the warriors circling a group of men. The servant decided to slow down their pace so they looked very noble. After reaching the bottom of the steps, Elrond turned and introduced Rose.

"May I introduce Rose Redwood. She will be accompanying you to your designation. Rose this is your company." He said while gesturing to the group of men.

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