Chapter 2

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"It feels good to be home," sighed Rose, opening her bedroom door and tossed her backpack on her desk.

"I get to stay up late and sleep in, help at the range, draw," she said as she brought out an easel and a sketchbook and opened to the next blank page.

"Alright, what to draw today," she asked herself. After about an hour on her drawing and adding the final touches of pastels and a splash of paint here and there, she stood back at looked at her artwork.

"Now this is a masterpiece," Rose said after matting the canvas and hung it up on an empty space on her wall. No one at school knew she was really good at drawing so they assumed she did art classes to get better. She took an art class freshman year. After she got the hang of the basics, she taught herself to draw better and more complex sketches. Stepping back from all the artworks she did throughout the years, she opened a window to let her art dry while she went to the woods to shoot arrows.

When she closed her bedroom door, a small gust of wind blew.

"Are you sure this is the correct place? I expected more of a forest look," said a voice.

"Yes this is the place. We watched her drive to her house. This is it." said a second.

"Well we better get ready for when we need her." said the first voice.

"I think he might need her soon if he doesn't pick. How old is she again?" said a third.

"I agree with Gandalf; she's sixteen." added the second voice.

"Well she does have a mirror so we can watch her from any of the mirrors in the house." said the first.

"I hear footsteps. Let's get ready." said the first. As the voices blended into the mirror and into nothing.

(P.S. Rose can't hear the voices.)

"Well that was fun," said Rose "plus mom and dad aren't even home yet. My art is probably dry now too."

While searching the basement for a shelf to hang her art on, her dad came home.

"Hello?" Her dad said.

"Hi, I'm in the basement," said Rose "hey when you get a chance, can you help me hang this shelf for my art?"

"Of course, honey," said her dad as he set down his work bag, took off his coat and put it in the closet.

When the shelf was up and Rose's artwork was displayed on it, she quickly glanced over at her bulletin board with two tickets to watch the newest Marvel movie that came out a few days ago. Her guy friend gave them as a gift for being so nice to him. Rose clearly remembers that day and thought that he was taking her to watch the movie and to ask her to be his girlfriend. She laughed at the thought of it actually happening besides he was just a friend and he probably has a girlfriend already (he doesn't though).

"I'm going for a run, wanna come?" Rose's dad asked while changing into his running clothes.

"I'm good," she said, "I might draw some more and see what my friends are up to."

"Alright suit yourself." Her dad said as he closed the door behind him.

A slight breeze came in through Rose's window as she breathed in the sweet summer air.

Now in another world an elf king, an elf lord and, a wizard stand around a large mirror and watch Rose leave her room.

"Tonight? Do we do it tonight or is it too early?" asked the elf king.

"He's right it's too ear-" started the elf lord but got cut off by the wizard.

"Elrond please, tonight is definitely not too early, in fact it might be the best time. The dwarves can accompany her to Mirkwood." responded the wizard.

"I have to agree with Gandalf, he never seems to surprise me." said the elf king.

It was settled that night, the plan that was going to change Rose's life...


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