The Local Casino

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Chapter Fourteen


T.W: Very brief mention of rape

After the initial shock of realizing Cas was here- that she came looking for me- I went into the guest room Charlie gave me, locking the door behind me. I let out a deep, long sigh. Cas was here. She put herself in a very dangerous situation to come for me.

I flip open the phone Diego gave me, and shot Charlie a text. 'can you do me a favor and contact you know who for me'

After I sent it, I open up the plastic bag of stuff Diego lent me, pulling out a change of clothes, which were perfect for the occasion. He knew me quite well. I changed into some jeans, a plain t-shirt with a jacket, and baseball cap.

If Charlie did get contact with a certain somebody, I had to be as discreet as possible.

I took in a deep breath, unlocked the door, and stepped back into the main living area.

"How come you changed?" Cas asks me.

"I'm leaving to meet up with someone," I glance at Charlie, who gave me a nod.

"Alright, then I'm coming with you," Cas states.

"Oh, no, no, no. No chance, it's too dangerous," I tell her.

She scoffs. "Too dangerous? I literally came to find you, don't you think that's a little dangerous?"


"I want to come with you Maria,"

"Fine, but you have to be as discreet as possible, not drawing anyone's attention to us,"

"Simple, can you tell me what we're doing?"


"Why not?"

"Because, it'll make it simpler and safer for the both of us," I look to Charlie. "Same place like he always preferred?"

Charlie nods. "Yep, be safe, both of you,"

I begin to walk for the door. "Come on Cas, we have a place to be,"

She quickly follows, and help with getting the tarp off. "So you're not giving me any information whatsoever?"



We both get in, I turn the keys to start up the car. As soon as it rumbled to life, I slam my foot on the accelerator.

"I really doubt that was necessary," Cas mutters.

I chuckle. "Oh, but it was,"


We pull up to a local casino, not one of the big ones inside the city.

"Wow, first you take me to a bar and now a casino, you do know that we're still underage, right?"

"Alcohol isn't served on the main floor, we'll be fine,"

"What does that even mean, we're not twenty-one,"

"Yeah but I'm eighteen,"

"You are?"

"Yeah, aren't you?"

"No, I'm seventeen,"

"Oh. Well, I'm sure you'll be fine, since you wanted to come here in the first place,"

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