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Third Person P.O.V

After Cassandra's graduation, she, as well as her cats, moved into the small little home of Maria's in New Jules.

They frequently visited with Cassandra's parents, and were still close friends with both Grace and Diego. Every month or so, they'd make a weekend trip out to Las Vegas to see Charlie and sometimes even TJ Corlin.

After working for another year, Maria decided to apply for a community college in California, and was accepted. They decided to both move to the state, using the money they earned in selling the house to get an even smaller apartment.

Cassandra found a job in detective work for the city's police, and soon they were able to upgrade in housing.

Unfortunately, Caesar passed away due to a sickness they could not afford treatment in.

Another two years passed, and they both took time off to go travel. Hazelnut and Marshmallow were placed in Grace's care, and they booked a flight to Europe.

While staying in Greece, they celebrated Cassandra's birthday, and Maria's gift to her was a ring- An engagement ring.

Cassandra excitedly said yes, and once they got home, they prepared for the wedding. It wasn't a large event, something small and affordable, but still amazing.

Shortly afterwards, Maria graduated college.

They lived a fulfilling and blissful life together.

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