Born To Die Era First Chapter: Born To Die

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Lana wanted to go to the Palace of Fontainebleau in France with Bradley because she wanted to became a high priestess. Bradley picked her up in New Jersey and they wanted to drive to France with his car.

At 9 pm Bradley picked her up at her house, Lana told Chuck to not tell their mom because she would get mad and Chuck said ok. Lana climbed out of the house from a window of the second floor because her mom was downstairs and would have seen her when she would walk threw the door. Bradley waited outside and hugged her when she went to him. They went into the car and Bradley said YOO LETS HaVE SOME WEED BEFORE WE GO and Lana got nervous because they were still infront of her house. "Please not here, when my mom sees us I'm dead!" "Didn't you told me last week you are already dead?" "Why the f**** are you so dumb Bradley, and now please drive away from our house." Lana felt that Bradley got more and more angry but he drove in the next street, and they smoked some weed and make up. After a while Lana stopped, which made Bradley not that happy. "I'm sorry but I'm f****** hungry lets drive to McDonalds okay?" Bradley started annoyed the car and they drove to the drive threw of McDonalds.

"What can I bring you?" asked the nice McDonalds Lady. They ordered BigMacs, Chicken Nuggets, Fries and extra ketchup. A lot of ketchup. Because Bradley loved ketchup. After they got the food Bradley drove to the highway. "We have to drive faster when we wanna arrive in France this century" He said. At the same time Lana ate her BigMac. "Can you give me my BigMac too?" asked Bradley. "But you drive!" said Lana. "Do you really think I am too stupid to drive and eat at the same time?" He asked. Lana didn't answer and gave him his burger. But Bradley was. While Lana opened the ketchup, Bradley looked at his burger and not the street and crashed into a tree which had grown in the middle of the high way. Lana got unconscious and because the ketchup got all over her body Bradley thought she was dead. He fast left the car and ran to the next gas station to met someone who could help him to get to France as soon as possible because the car and Lana were DeAd.

Lana woke up an hour later than Bradley. She got out of the car because she didn't want the police to find her and bring her home. She run into the woods next to the highway. The full moon shined bright. Lana came near a river but then she fell into a cave which had a moon sea like H2o just add water. "Wow am I on the set of H2o?" Lana asked. She went into the sea. The full moon was right over the sea and the sea got into whirlpool. "I will get a mermaid now!" Lana was excited. After a half hour the sea became completely normal and Lana went out of the water. While she picked a towel, which randomly lay in the cave and got herself dry Stevie Nicks appeared. Lana got scared and the towel felt into the water. "Lana! You don't know how long I've waited for you." "Stevie, tell me, am I a mermaid yet?" "A mermaid? No! You are a witch, Lana!" "What the f****! I wanted to become a mermaid! Not a stupid witch. Witches are ugly and weird! They have warts and humps!" "But not you! You will get the prettiest and most powerful witch on earth! I will help you! I am a witch too. But now I am too old to get the most powerful witch. So you will. But not with that!" "With what?" Lana asked. "With that outfit, that lifestyle! To be powerful means to be rich and you look cheaper then Walmart!" "Could you please stop being so mean!" "Who is the mean one and told me she better wants to become a mermaid! But lets just forget that. I found somethings out Lana, before you and Bradley got closer you always told everyone you wanna have a daddy!" "Yeah that's still true!" "Here is the plan: I'll conjure you to New York where you will meet the rich gangsta daddy Clyde and you have to get dimonds from him. Dimonds makes your witch power stronger" "Ok, but what did you mean with conjure?" But Stevie already begun with her conjuring and mist got around Lana. "Bye Lana I'm sure we will see us again soon" Stevie said.

Ok Witches and Bi**** that's my first chapter. I'm not English so the grammar is probably not the best but whatever

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