Born To Die Era Sixth Chapter: National Anthem

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When Lana woke up, she was on a stage. She looked around herself, but she didn't see any people, only Flashlights. There was an old-fashioned microphone right in front of her. Then she heard a voice. "Now Lana Del Rey will sing for our president". Lana didn't know what to do, but without having the control over her body she started singing.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Mr. President, Happy Birthday to you."

She looked at a point in the crowd and was sure the president sat there. But it was too dark so she couldn't see him.

"Thanks, Mr. President, for all the things you've done, the battles that you've won, The way you deal with US Steel, and our problems by the ton, we thank you so much. Everybody!"

The crowd started clapping and the flashlights started flashing again. Now Lana was able to see the president. It was ASAP Rocky?!

Lana felt in faint and some things flashed over her eyes. When it was over she was on a meadow in front of a big house with Asap Rocky and two children. She was confused but something in her head told her he would be her husband and these were her children, she also knew the names of them: Gucci Diamond Morrison and Lolita Hollywood Baddie Diet Dew Jr.

After a minute she was again somewhere else. She was in a rose garden next to the meadow and her two children were playing in it. "GET OFF OF THE NEWLY PLANTED ROSES YOU LITTLE FUCKERS!" she screeched. Then they went into the house. It was the birthday of Gucci Diamond Morrison (her birthday was one day after her dad) and Chuck was at the party too, she gave Gucci Diamond Morrison her birthday cake. Lana was so happy to see her, but Chuck seemed like she wouldn't care. "Something is wrong!" Lana thought.

After the cake they danced. While Lana danced the room turned around her and the next time she looked around her she was in a car with Asap. They drove down a street and many people were on the sidewalk, in their hands the flag of the United States. Lana was happy. The whole situation reminded her of JF Kennedy and his wife Jackie. She always wanted a life like that. Suddenly she heard a loud noise and screams. Asap slowly felt down. He got shoot along. A Security Men came and took Lana out of the car, but she wanted to go to Asap and help him. She saw all the screaming people, the car, Asap who had his eyes closed. Then she heard her own voice in her head.

"And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me. We both knew it, right away. And as the years went on, things got more difficult - we were faced with more challenges. I begged him to stay. Try to remember what we had at the beginning. He was charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it. When he walked in every womans head turned, everyone stood up to talk to him. He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself. I always got the sense that he became torn between a good person and missing out on all of the opportunities that life could offer a man as magnificent as him. And in that way I understood him and I loved him. I loved him, I loved him, I loved him. And I still love him. I love him"

Was that the letter from Jackie? she asked herself before everything in front of her eyes got black.

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