Born To Die Era Seventh Chapter: Dark Paradise

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"You should move on!" said a voice in the dark. She was familiar to Lana but she first didn't know to who she belonged. Then she knew: It was Caitlyn, a friend home in New Jersey. They went both in grade 10 in High School, till Lana wanted to drive to France with Bradley. She didn't tell Caitlyn where she wanted to go. "You mean from Asap?" Lana asked, while she was still not able to see. "Yes!" Caitlyns Voice answered. Then, suddenly, a light went on and Lana saw where she was. She laid in an ocean. Then without actually wanting it she sang an Asap Rocky song. Then the water got a lot of waves, they were so big, they drowned Lana. And underwater she was in a dark paradise. It was like a horror film for her. She felt like she get no air. Then something touched her bag and when she turned around there was Bradley, looking even more horrible then after Lana killed him. "you will regret it that you killed me till the day you die!" he said. But then Lana, heard Asaps Voice in her head. "Everything is fine!" he said. But Lana just wished she would be dead. Lana tried to get away from Bradley but she was not able to move. Bradley grabbed her strong that it hurted. "Now I can kill you!" he said. Lana got scared but then she heard a weird noise.  Wasn't that her phone alarm clock? Lana woke up.

She was still in the hotel. And the whole thing with Asap Rocky? It was just a dream? So there was no Asap, except in her dream. The dark paradise was horrible, but she didn't want to wake up from her other dream this night. "I can sleep another hour, because I don't even know what to do in New York!" she thought. But when she closed her eyes, there was the Dark Paradise again. So she got up.

After she put on her clothes again, she wanted to leave her room. But the door was locked. Then she saw it: She almost forgot the diamond on the table. She took him and the door was open. But the corridor looked different. The doors were different. They were signs at each door but instead of the room number there were city names on them. Her door had a sign with New York. She saw doors with Miami, Rom, Havana and Los Angeles! She would go through the Los Angeles door, because that was her home. The house with her crocodile catchy!

When she went through the door and was on a street on Hollywood. She went to her house. Catchy was happy to see her. She went into the pool and just laid on the water. And when she closed her eyes, the Dark Paradise wasn't there anymore.

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