-My Return?-

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Hello, this will be deleted later.

After a 2 year long hiatus, I was thinking of returning. Would anyone still be interested in this story?

Also, I came back to see one of my key inspirations, Lynn_Shawe , has moved away from septiplier as a whole. I am so proud
Of her for writing what she likes now.

I know it might not be my place, having been missing for so long. But if you support writers evolving; well developed and described characters; and a good, planned out plot, her book Into the Mushroom Circle is absolutely breath-taking! Truly it is a fantastical world with really cute characters I would die for.

So, please let me know if you'd like to see me continue this. And please, please go support that story so it isn't taken down.

ღ Addison Demaree ღ

The Boy of Dreams |On Hiatus| (Septiplier) Where stories live. Discover now