Chapter 8

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No one's pov

It was another Monday,  of high school for Seraphina. She could feel another boring week of work and studies waiting for her. But today it was even worse than usual.

Part of the reason was that John was absent today, which made the atmosphere of school gloomier than before.

She was worried about him. As it was rare for him to skip school. He was regular no matter what happens.
Something must have happened she was sure of it.

She won't deny the fact that she missed his presence. His cheerful smile and his happy-go-lucky attitude never fail to cheer her up.

She was half-heartedly attending her maths class, sneaking glances at the clock waiting for the class to end.

When the class was finally over after an agonizing wait of 30 minutes, she was the first to leave.
She decided to go to the library, where she could review the materials in peace as the roof was off-limits now.

Seraphina's Pov

I quickly scrolled down the hallways, trying to avoid any sort of encounters with the bullies.

I was near the library when suddenly a shriek caught my attention.

I looked at the direction from where the noise was coming. It was near the stairs.

Out of curiosity, I went there only to find Illena bullying a pink-haired boy.

By her expression I could easily tell that she was pissed.

"YOU CALL THIS SHIT A REPORT "she barked at him, crumpling the paper in her hand.


She grabbed him by the collar and pushed her against the wall. He was covered in bruises.

"I-I s-sorry !! Illena"He pleaded, cowering in fear.Too scared to look her in the eyes.

"I ... swear t-that I.. will not do it again" he nearly choked as Illena's grip on him tightened.

She slapped him, bruising his cheek in the process.


"I AM NOT GOING TO LET THIS ONE SLIDE" She said viciously, her eyes glowing.

I pitted the boy who was covering his eyes in fear, preparing himself for the impact.

I can't afford to watch it any longer. I have to step in even if it means fighting her. John would have done the same regardless of the circumstances.

'So what is holding me back now'.I mentally slapped myself and took a deep breath.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" I shouted, grabbing her attention before her fist was about to make contact with the boy.

She smirked upon seeing me.
"Well! If it isn't Seraphina the fallen Goddess" she narrowed her eyes, mocking me.

"How may I help you" she sneered.

"Have you come to join him" she pointed towards the pinkette. "I don't mind having an extra punching bag".

"For Someone who's only a mid-tier, You sure are full of yourself" I countered her, matching her glare.

"People like you make me sick" I provoked her."You were going to beat him just for an assignment".


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