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No One

Virgil wakes up suddenly, from a nightmare he can remember vividly, feeling scared, anxious and small. Usually people enjoy silence when they feel anxious (since too many noises can make things worse), but at the moment Virgil would give anything to hear his friends/roommates laughing downstairs.

The thought gives him an idea; so he grabs Vivi and his blanket, hugging them both close; puts his paci back in his mouth; and goes on his way.

When he closes his door, he contemplates going to Patton's room, but decides not to. Instead, he goes to Logan's room, knocking on the door quietly. After a moment, he knocks again, wondering if he should go to Roman's room instead.


I open my door, grumbling to myself about being woken up at two in the morning by knocking on my door, but stop as soon as I see that it's Virgil and that he's both very obviously little and on the verge on tears.

"Oh, what's wrong? Are you alright?" I try to sound as calming as I can despite having just woken up. I don't get an actual answer, instead he only says "'ogie", which is muffled by the pacifier in his mouth and holds out his arms as if to ask me to pick him up (without dropping Vivi or the blanket in his hand).

I pick him up and bring him in my room while closing the door behind me. I would turn on the light as well, but I had turned on my lamp after waking up so that I wouldn't trip on anything on my way to my door.

He hides his face in my shirt, holding on to me tightly as I rub his back. "What's wrong, little one?" I walk over to my bed and sit down as I say this, him now in my lap, yet still holding on. "'ightmawe." is the only thing that he says.

"Do you remember what your nightmare was about?" Judging from how he's acting, it is safe to assume that he does, but it is better to ask. He nods. "Would you like to talk about it?" This time he shakes his head.

I take a moment to think. "Would you like to sleep in here tonight, Virge?" He nods, adding a "Pwease". Before I can say anything else, it clicks in my mind that I must be the first one he came to. This confuses me as he has grown quite attached to Patton and it is common knowledge to everyone, other than the two of them, that they both harbor feelings for one another.

"Virge, did you you come to me first?" He nods. "Why me? I enjoy spending time with you, but why not go to Patton?"

I'm not entirely sure what it is that got this reaction, but he seems to tense and I can feel part of my shirt, the part that he is hiding in, suddenly become wet. Oh no. "No wan', no wan' 'at'on." Something must have happened earlier because even out of littlespace he would jump at any opportunity to spend more time with Patton.

I want to say more, maybe ask what happened or try and ask what his nightmare was about once again, but Virgil says something else before I can get out another word. "'ogie, I sweepy. Go nuh night?"

After making a mental note to talk to him once he isn't feeling little, I agree that we should sleep and help him get situated on one side of my bed.

As much as I enjoy his company, I can't help but wonder why he came to me first. And why had he seemed so upset when I brought up Patton?

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