♦A Bizarre Encounter ♦

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Since Morioh was close to the college you attended, you asked your parents if you could move there, and they said sure, as long as you could afford the rent. An idea then struck you; since you loved making stories come to life, you could create a manga, and you knew the mangaka, Rohan Kishibe, lived in Morioh, so you hoped he would give you some guidance.


With your bags containing all of your belongings, you got off the bus, and found yourself in Morioh. The sky was so beautiful, and the busy city really excited you for the adventure that awaited you.

When you got off, a young man with a purple pompadour stepped on the bus. "Hey, ma'am? Do... do you need some help there? You've really got a load on your hands... Are you moving here?"

"Ah, yes! I am! There's a college not too far from here, so I decided to live here until I graduate! I also seek opportunity!" You said, full of ambition.

"Wow, that's impressive! You're a very motivated girl, huh? Well, uh, let me help you with those..." The young man respectfully takes your bags, and followed behind you.

"Thank you! I wasn't expecting this kind of treatment when I got here. Say, what is your name?" You politely asked.

His face turned pink, and he said, "Oh, my name? I'm-"

"OI, JOSUKE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" Another boy came running from the distance.

"Damnit," you heard Josuke say under his breath as this other guy stopped in front of you, heavily taking breaths.

"Who is this pretty chick you picked up this time, Josuke? And you didn't even bother to let me talk to her first?!?"

"Okuyasu, this isn't the time for this, why don't you be useful and help her carry her bags!" Josuke said in a very annoyed tone.

You nod toward Okuyasu, "Thank you, young man!"

"Young man?!? Aren't we like, the same age?" Okuyasu said in shock.

His question was sudden, but you giggled and said, "I assumed since you sort of have a school uniform on, you would be a student at a high school. And as for me, I'm 20 years old."

"Uh... Wow, you look so young... BUT IM NOT SAYING YOU'RE OLD, I JUST, UH...." Okuyasu tried explaining, but his blush grew, and Josuke just laughed.

"Hey, guys?" A shorter boy approached you, " Did you miss the bus again?"

The two boys seemed to know him, so they waved at him, and Josuke said, "Oh, we didn't miss the bus, we just didn't get on, hehe..."

"Well, I'm sure you have a better excuse than I do; I accidentally dropped my alarm and it broke!" Okuyasu and Josuke laughed hysterically, and the boy blushed, and looked at you. "So... uh... What's your name...?"

"Oh it's (Y/N)."

"Wow, that's a pretty name... I'm Koichi...!"

Just then, Josuke whispered softly to Okuyasu, "I feel a bit rude now; I didn't even ask for her name! How will I get her to like me now?!?"

Okuyasu loudly whispered back, "Like you?!? She CLEARLY is diggin' me!"

"Would you shut up? She's gonna hear you!"

They went back an forth, as they loudly whispered to each other, and Koichi offered to help you with your bags, leaving you with no more to hold. You bowed again to thank the boys for their chivalry, when yet another man with a sketchbook came looking for Koichi.

"Why are you boys late for school? It is expected of these oafs, but you, Koichi...? Oh, hello, miss. I am Rohan Kishibe, pleased to make your acquaintance. May I ask your name?"

The Rohan Kishibe? Your heart started to pound, and he made it worse by looking you up and down, and leaving a smirk on his face.

"I am (Y/N), and I strive to become a great mangaka like you, Rohan Sensei!" It was very blunt, but it was the truth.

"Ah, an aspiring manga artist? Interesting, I like that..." Rohan said, with a light flush on his cheeks. As for yours, they were as bright as day.

"Well Rohan, there's nothing left for you to carry, so I guess you'll have to carry (Y/N)!!" Koichi joked.

Rohan took that joke too seriously, and he picked you up in his arms, his strength surprised you. He was fairly punny, but his arms never gave out while he carried you to your new home. When he put you down, Rohan let his hands linger on your body for a while, which you didn't notice, until Okuyasu said something.

"Oi, I don't be to be rude, but why are you still holding onto (Y/N) like that, Rohan Sensei?"

He then realized he was gently holding you, and he pulled back his hands and put them in his pockets in an instant. You both blushed, and you walked away to get your stuff situated. Rohan just let out a rude groan, and left.

"You asshole!!! You're not going to even help her in the slightest? All you did was carry her, and I don't think she enjoyed it too much...!" Josuke defended you.

He ignored him, and continued to walk. Meanwhile, the boys helped you with your stuff, and when they were done, you told them you could handle the rest. "Thanks so much, you're a bunch of sweeties!!"

They said you're welcome and took their leave.

After that day, you four became friends, though it was odd, you really enjoyed their company (Sometimes Yukako would join in).

On some days, Josuke would flirt with you if you two were alone. It was strange to you, but you didn't really think much of it. However, if Okuyasu caught him, they would argue their heads off, which would make you laugh.

[A/N: hey, I hope you liked this! The first chapter is kinda awkward, but I'll try to improve! Please give me constructive criticism if you wish, uwu]

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