♦"Call Me Kishibe"♦

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The next day after you received Rohan's letter, you decided to talk to him at his house. You were kind of afraid that he would be angry that you didn't notify him before coming, but the way he described you in his own words was enough to end your worry.

Ding Dong on his doorbell, you rang. It didn't take him that long to open the door, considering how big his house was. You thought Rohan must have been waiting for you.

"Hello, (Y/N). You look nice today," he said to you, sort of darting his eyes to different part of your body, as if he was inspecting you.

"Um, thanks Sensei... I got your letter yesterday, and I accept the offer, and I do really appreciate it..." You said to him, with your cheeks slightly flushed.

He noticed your cheeks growing brighter and brighter, and he just smiled. "I'm glad you do. Come in, and you can sit here, I'm going to make some tea, if you'd like some."

You nodded your head yes, and he went into he kitchen to prepare the tea. Meanwhile, you sat in Rohan' s home, admiring all his work, and his furniture. You couldn't believe he lived in this big house, by himself.

"So, you live in this house all alone?" You asked to maybe spark a conversation.

"Why, yes," he answered, "I find it that other people annoy me, so I like to have my peace and quiet, but I do occasionally enjoy visitors, like yourself."

At least he was honest, you thought to yourself. "I guess I'm the kind of person who enjoys others around me, though I am rather shy..."

Rohan returned to you with a cup of tea. "Do you feel shy right now?"

"I guess not..."

He raised one eyebrow and said, "You sound uncomfortable to me, maybe we should... Get to know each other better. After all, we are going to see one another quite a bit."

"Yeah," you said, and nodded. Over about two months, you learned a lot from Rohan; story material, content, and even some improvement on your own art. By far, you enjoyed his company, and actually became friends, and maybe a little more...


One day, when you went to Rohan's house, you went about business like usual, but Rohan had a different plan for you choose.

"So (Y/N), how do you feel about modeling for me?" He asked.

"Modeling? Me? You mean you want ME to model for you?!??" The question startled you, as you never thought he would consider you material for that kind of thing.

Though it was very faint, you could see that his cheeks were slightly blushing. "Yes, you. Maybe if you hadn't picked up on it, I've been studying you ever since you moved here in Morioh. You've got nice proportions, and your face is very pleasant, and you have a very soft personality..."

You couldn't control your face, burning in the deepest crimson while he told you this. "I actually have noticed your staring, but I just thought you did that to everyone."

"Oh no, I wouldn't just stare at anything, I always have my attention on the most beautiful things, and that happens to be... You...♥"

You stopped and looked in his eyes. "Rohan Sensei, I-"

"No, no, call me Kishibe..."


★Rohan Kishibe x Reader★Where stories live. Discover now