♦ Crazy Little Thing Called...♦

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[A/N]: Um hello!! I am still checking and writing updates to this story!! Lots of life has happened so I haven't been persistent, but I am still here!! Also, sChOoL 😭 Enjoy!!!


The next day before your alarm rang to get up for class, you were awoken by the doorbell. You wonder to yourself, who is even up at this hour...? Maybe Kishibe!!!

During the pause in between two rings, you were able to fix up a bit to see if your hunch was right. But to your surprise, it was Josuke.

"Oh hey... What's going on? It's the weekend, you should get some rest!"

"Yeah," Josuke sighed, "I know but I wanted to give you some courage today for your classes.. I don't think it's fair you have to work on weekends😡" From behind his back, he pulled out a small bouquet of yellow roses, "Anyway, I used my own earned money to buy these.. quite expensive... But I just hope you like them!!!"

"Aw, thanks, Josuke! That's really sweet! Since you've been so kind, why don't I make some breakfast for us?"

"No, no, it's fine.. I have to start doing chores now... But I'll come by later, (Y/N)!"

"See ya!!" What a sweet kid...! I'll find a glass for these flowers! 🌷


You found a pretty simple glass in your cabinet and put water in it. "Where should these go...?" You asked yourself out loud. "Ah, the window! Obviously!"

As you moved the curtains to place the flowers on the window ledge, you noticed another figure approaching your house... His hands were tucked in his pockets, with a rather large sketch book on his side.


Rohan looked up to see your smiling face, and that brought him butterflies. He then got closer, and he saw the flowers placed in the window. His grin turned into a frown after you had opened your front door.

"What is that, Rosie?" Rohan said with a serious tone.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"In the window. Where did those come from...?"

"The roses!!! Josuke came by and gave them to me!"

"So Josuke is the person who gifted these to you... Okay... May I ask you... Why are you so fond of this boy?"

You gasped a little, "Kishibe! What are you thinking? You're not... jealous of my friend?"


"You know I love you, right? You're still my number one!!! Josuke is just a very kind person, and gave me those beautiful roses. I know you don't like him, but I don't want to break his heart more than I already have-"

"The way you talk about him.. why do you do that?? How can you not understand I don't want you to praise him??? Do you say similar terms to Josuke when talking about me??"

You felt as if you had done something wrong, but at the same time, Rohan had no reason to be so upset at you. "Please... don't be mad..." your eyes turned glassy, and a tear came running down your cheek, and more fell after. "I'm sorry... Kishibe. Don't get mad at me, or him. There's not a single reason why you need to talk to me like that... If you want to to just shut up about Josuke.. I will. I love you and I have faith in our relationship... Trust me! I trust you! If our relationship is supposed to work, you have to trust me!"

They crying prevented you from saying more, and although you utterly upset, Rohan didn't try to comfort you or apologize.

"Don't cry."

"T-that's all you have to say???"

"...You know... Your emotions have inspired me... May you model for me again?"

"WHAT? No, I will not. Unless that is how you intend to say you're sorry..!"



"Sorry. Sorry I made you upset. I'm also apologizing for talking about your friend using malicious words. I'm not used to being sensitive like this, but I do hope you forgive me."

You wiped the incoming tears away, and you hugged Rohan so tight, and you squeezed him as hard as you could.

"Thank you.. but can you do one more thing..?"

"What is it that you wish?"

"Promise me that you'll respect Josuke? And.. if you do that..."

You cupped his face with your hands and pulled him in to kiss him, but with more passion than you ever have.

"I can do more special gestures such as this...!"

"I- I um- wow-" Rohan whole face was heated, and his joy and embarrassment overwhelmed him. "I-I suppose. I will try..." He placed his hands on your hips.

"Good. I like that, my Love..💕"


[A/N]: Warning.. the next chapter will be.. ✨spicy

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