♦Date Night...With Josuke?♦

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Rohan stayed with you the whole day; the two of you just enjoyed each other's company. You laughed and talked, and shared a little kiss every now and then...

Later that afternoon, the doorbell rang again. You weren't expecting more company, so you were sort of hesitant to answer. Then you remembered, "Ah, I forgot! Josuke's here! Like every day!"

"So you mean that oaf comes to see you every day??" Rohan asked, with a jealous tone.

"...Yes, that's what I just said? And don't call him an oaf; he's so sweet, so I don't mind if he visits."

"Hmph.." Rohan let you out of his arms so you could open the door. Josuke stood there with a little smile on his face, and noticed Rohan on your couch.

"Oh (Y/N), I didn't know you had someone with you today, I can go if you want-"

"YES please do," Rohan interrupted rudely.

"Kishibe!! Come on, that wasn't nice! I know you two don't get along, but there will not be any negative comments in my house!! And Josuke, you are welcome to stay as long as you want!"

"Well, have fun, because.. I have... Things to do today," Rohan said as he got up from the couch, heading past Josuke to the door.

You caught his hand and told him, "But the day is almost over, what are you going to do?"

"There are plenty of things I have to do. See you later, and I love you, Rosie♥"

"Aw I love you too, Love," you said, followed by a kiss on the cheek.

Josuke was sort of confused, and heart broken at the same time. He didn't think he'd have to compete with his enemy...

"So," you started to say, "what brings you here today?"

"I... Wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out and eat something with me.. if you haven't already eaten..."

"No, I haven't eaten in a while, I could use some fresh air, too. Let me go change into something nice, okay?"

Josuke nodded, and you went to your room to find a cute dress that would be nice for an outing. While you were changing, Josuke thought about you and Rohan. He didn't know you two were a couple, and he didn't like it much. He only wanted you for himself...


"(Y/N)! You look so beautiful!!" Josuke said, with his face filled with his embarrassment.

You didn't think you did anything different than any other day, but you thanked him, and went out the door.

"Where are we going to eat?"you asked.

"Umm, how about the Trattoria Trussardi? He's got a nice restaurant!"

"Oh okay! Let's go!"

It wasn't too far of a walk, and you made it there in no time. Josuke was very nervous with you, but you wanted him to calm down a little. To break his silence, you smiled and talked about your classes. He looked up at you, and blushed like crazy. "Um.. the food will get here soon... And can I ask you something?"

"Sure, ask away!"

"Are you in a relationship with Rohan Sensei?!?"

"... Yes, I am"

"How? And why? I always thought you-"

He was interrupted by Tonio giving you the food you sort of ordered. You both smiled and thanked him.


"Do you love him?"

"Yes... He makes me very happy..."

"Don't I make you happy?"

"You're a joy to be around! But it's different... Kish- I mean- Rohan is someone I can relate to because of our interests..."

"Well... Yeah... But we can still be friends, right?"

"Of course🥺"


Josuke walked you home after your "date", and he looked very happy, despite him learning of you and Rohan.


"...Wait! Maybe I can stay awhile... We can just relax or something..!"

"Well, it's kinda late Josuke... You should go home and get some rest....."

Josuke knew he had school the next day, but he didn't care, he continued the conversation.

"So... Can you tell me about the manga you and Rohan Sensei were working on?"

"Oh YES!! I haven't been able to work on it very much today, but I'll show you what I have..!"

You quickly retrieved the files where you had stored the manga, and you were rather proud of it. You took it to Josuke, and he read through a few pages.

"You don't have to read all of it, but tell me what you think!!!!" You said, overexcited.

"... It's really awesome, (Y/N)! I don't read much but I'll be damned if I don't start now..!"

The complement he gave you also have you confidence to keep pursuing drawing and writing, and also some critiques.

"I'm glad you like it! Just one question... If you could change anything, what would it be..?"

Josuke thought a bit, "Hmm.. nothing really. I like it like this... But there is one thing I'd change.."


"I'd like it if you made me a part of your story...💖"

That statement startled you... You knew Josuke liked you, but you never thought he'd say anything like that...

"Umm... You are in my story! You're like.. my friend!"

"I know, but I want to be a main character in your heart..."

As he kept the comments up, you were getting uncomfortable, but didn't know what to do😥

"Are you feeling okay, Josuke...?"

"Oh yeah! I'm just kidding! I was just curious to see how much you really want Rohan Sensei..😅"

"W-What? Uh- that was kinda weird if you ask me!"

"Yeah I guess.. sorry 'bout that.. but I think I should go home now... I'll see you tomorrow!!!"

You both said your goodbyes, and he took his leave. Although Josuke said he was joking, an part of him wasn't. He really was in love with you, and loved everything about you. With his 'joke', he hoped to start a spark of something in your heart... [He didn't, but he's in his delulu era <3]


[A/N] I UPDATED!!! For those who enjoy this story, thank you so much!!! Please keep reading! I may update slow, but I am still not done with this story! Also, this thing with Josuke is what I'd call a conflict... There has to be an OPPOSING FORCE! Anyway, stay tuned for more drama! (PS: gotta love school you guys 😭😅)

[6/5/2023 update: bro the age gap was not it so I changed the end a bit💀✋🏾 I don't remember what year this particular chapter was published, but yikes?? I need to change more, possibly rewrite A LOT💀]

★Rohan Kishibe x Reader★Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon