♦Little Visits and First Letter♦

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Your college life was going well, but you didn't make many friends there; you kind of enjoyed being to yourself. Though, Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi, and Yukako would visit you, just to check on you after their school day was over.

Ever since you first met Josuke and Okuyasu, you knew that they had a little crush on you. Though Josuke wouldn't try to make it quite obvious, he still made little moves that Okuyasu would also give a go...

One day, after the school day was over, you heard a knock on your door. You got up to answer it, and to your surprise, it was Josuke, all alone.

"Uh.. hey (Y/N)! Everyone else went to get ice cream before the store closed, and I decided that I didn't want any, so... I came here...!" Josuke said, nervously.

You smiled and motioned him into your apartment, "C'mon in, Josuke! I was just finishing my work for the day."

He sat down on your little couch, next to the place where your stuff was. You closed the door, and continued your work, while you two talked to each other.

From then on, Josuke would pop up at your door, either alone, or stay longer than the others. You kind of thought it was adorable that Josuke liked you. Although your feelings weren't the same, you still wanted him to feel happy with you.


During your time in Morioh, you didn't usually get mail, but this one day, you got a letter. "...Rohan Sensei...? I wonder why he wrote a letter to me, instead of just coming here..."

With a bit of shock, you opened the letter, and read it:

Dear (Y/N),
You may be curious to why I am writing to you rather than talking to you in person. As you may know, I strongly dislike Josuke, and for some reason, you seem to bond with him. I'm not jealous or anything like that, but I would like to talk to you privately about something important.
I understand that you aspire to be a manga artist, no? I can help you, if you desire, and you won't have to pay me. I'm not usually this generous, but I feel that you're honestly a good person, so I trust that you would appreciate my help.

-Rohan Kishibe

You sat down on your bed, and thought about it. When you first moved in, you did tell Rohan about you dream of becoming a manga artist... You actually were curious of why he wanted to help you. "Maybe I'll pay Rohan Sensei a visit tomorrow..."

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