Chapter 11

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I'm starting from 11 because I left off on part 10 for the imagine on my Instagram. If you haven't read you definitelyyyyy should or the recap. I didn't spell check so if it's fucked up then. OK now enjoy


ZION POV                                                             "I-is she g-gonna be ok?" "Depends" The doctor says. "Depends? Depends on what ?" "Depends on if you choose her or the baby."

"Wha- Why do I have to choose between them, whats wrong with y/n "? " Well y/n was recently in a car accident which caused her to fall into a coma." "Well is there anyway that we can keep them both alive and healthy?" "Um are you the father ?" " Yes ma'm" All the boys look at me with a surprised look as I answer the question."Well there are two ways we can tackle this situation. One way is to keep the baby inside of y/n for another 12 weeks or until she wakes up or we can preform a C-section now." "Do you know how long she will be in a ... coma?" She looks at me with a sad face "We don't have a way to find out she will in a coma, luckily a coma is just a sleep state, so her and the baby won't be hurt by this." "Well what would happen to my daughter if y/n has a C-section while she's still in her coma.''

Brandon quickly buts in to say "Why would we put her through a C-section while she could wake up at any moment, this is my sister we're talking about here and I want to make she's gonna be ok, not going through some unnecessary surgery."  The doctors faces becomes puzzled as she ask  " Wait, I'm sorry that's your sister?" "Yes she is, we have the same dad but different moms." "Well I'm gonna go and give you boys some time to take this in and talk about it, but either way you decide to handle, I promise everyone will be safe." Before the doctor reaches the door Nick quietly ask "E-excuse me b-but would would happen if they do decide to have a C-section?" "Luckily the baby is now 28 weeks so she's what we call a preterm baby.The survival rate for  preterm babies is around 95 percent. Babies born this early usually have the most breathing difficulties.When they have breathing difficulties we will likely need to  place a respirator for a while. Some have trouble feeding and may initially receive their meals through a tube that's inserted into the nose or mouth and passed down to the stomach. We all look around at each other trying to take in this information at once. " Ok thanks doc."

EDWIN POV                                                            As soon as the door is shut the room becomes filled with tears and arguing. Nick is the loudest voice as he says "Oh so you're the father now,huh? This whole accident wouldn't have happened if you didn't run away when you found you might not be the baby's dad now all of a sudden you wanna be mister big guy." "The fuck, are you really trying to blame this on me right now? This whole situation wouldn't have happened if YOU didn't hook up with MY girlfriend. Man fuck outta here with that shit." Zion says harshly as I'm holding him back to keep him from hitting Nick. I finally decide to say what needs to be said"Ok both of you shut up, we are because this woman is in a COMA pendejos. We need to come together and agree what to do to keep y/n and the baby safe at all cost ok !" As I finish my sentence I can the looks of everyone's faces turn to agreement. Brandon breaks the silence as he says " Ok how about this, we let her keep the baby but if she doesn't wake up in two weeks then she gets the C-section. Does that sound reasonable?" He scans the room and we all nod our heads. 

NICK POV                                                                After Brandon said that we all just sat there in silence. I want to suggest that we should get a DNA test when the baby comes but I feel sort of a bitch if I say that. For right now we just need to worry and health versus who's the dad. "So you guys wanna go now ?" "Um ya, I mean you guys can go but I wanna stay with my sister." " I think I'll stay with B." "Ight well I'm out, Ed you coming ?" "I'm coming."

UNKNOWN POV                                                I ended up walking out with Edwin and Nick to make sure they weren't there. As I'm walking them to their car they start to ask If I'm ok and if I need anything. I reassure them that I'm fine and I just wanted to stay here with y/n for a little while longer. They get in the car and drive off and I jog back to the hospital. I see the doctor who was in the room with us. " Hi doc, I was uh wondering if there's anyway we can get a DNA test on the baby while y/n is still in her coma?"


You guys know I always have to end with a cliffhanger. This chapter was just to catch you up with y/n, but now it's all about the boys for a while.

I want to know you guys theories about what's gonna happen in the next chapter or what you guys wanna know in the next one.

Love you 😘

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