Chapter 15

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i'm so sorry that i take super long to update but i been stuck in school but ya girl is now on summer break and i'm back and better then EVA ahahaha but i promise to post at least twice a week on wattpad now

okay y'all ready for this 👀☕️



The door shuts and I'm pretty sure the doctor didn't hear what he said but the rest of the room did. "So that's how we doing things now" Zion asks in an irritated tone. We all look around and can the feel the tension getting worse in the room. "Yo I mean we gotta figure out sooner or later tho, right ?" Before Zion can fire back at Nick I cut in and say "I hate to admit it but I do agree with Nick on this one." Zion slowly looks over to me with a face of disgust "Oh so we taking sides now huh, ight" "No I ain't mean it like that bro, I just mean it's something we all been thinking about and eventually we're gonna have to know, we got 72 hours for that birth certificate." It falls silent for a minute when Austin speaks up " Yo Z gotta admit that we will need to know, especially for the baby." "Fine I will, but Nick imma need you to promise me on thing." Zion walks over to him and me and Austin rush over there in fear of a fight "Nah it's good we got this. What is it ?" "Promise me that no matter what that test says we still good ?" Austin and I look at each other with a face of confusion as we're both shocked by what he asked. "No matter what that test says you will always be my brother. " Zion went for a dap up but Nick goes for a hug.

A part of me is happy to see them in a better place but the other half worries. What if Nick really is the baby daddy, that would crush Zion. He loves this woman with his entire heart and I know it would ultimately break him. Nick coughs as he lets go of Zions embrace "Well um *cough* I'm gonna go ask the doctor for the test I'll be back." And with that he leaves.


I go back to my regular sit next to y/n and began to think of all the worst case scenarios, well there's only one... that baby girl not being mine. My foot starts to tap,and tap,and tap until I can't control it anymore. "Yo bro you good ?" Austin ask and the rest of the boys look up from their phones as I gain their attention. "Ya bro I'm good just worry,you know." "Well um since we're all here I need you guys opinion on something." Eddie's first to speak up "What's wrong ?" "Well with all this going on with my sister I've been debating if I should tell my-I uh mean our dad what's going on with y/n ?" I was definitely surprised when Brandon said that, he's usually so close with his family, you'd expect him to spill something this big. " Well um why haven't you called him yet, this is his daughter... in a coma!" "Yes I know that his daughter is in a coma but before this they were never really that close. My dad was never really that involved in y/n's life even when she moved here and I don't want to start something she doesn't want to finish." Austin pitches in and says " Well then don't." Silence filled the room and was surprisingly filled with the sounds of our laughter, something I haven't heard in a long time. Sadly they didn't last that long. We all start to get quite when Nick and the doctor comes in and we see it... the DNA kit. All of our questions will finally be answered with one little cotton swab.

"Hey boys, hate to interrupt but I do need to talk to Zion right now." I let go of y/n's hand and walk over to the doctor. "Okay before we do this have you kissed or drank after someone in the past 24 hours ?" I respond with a quick "Nope" and even pop my P. "Perfect just take this and swish it around your mouth." I take the swab, swish it around my mouth, and put it in the clear tube. "Great! We will have your results back to you guys as soon as possible." She takes the tubes and walks out. Just like that we were all about to find out the truth. Nick comes in and goes back to his original spot and I go back to mine. We all go back on our phones for a bit when Brandon gets a phone call. "Hey guys, it's my dad so I'm gonna take this outside." We all shake our heads okay and Edwin says a quick little "okay". Not even five minutes later a quick loud beep comes from one of y/n's machines. The boys rush over to her but nothing seems to wrong. No other noises, she's not spazzing around or something. A look of confusion comes over our faces when I see it.

Y/n finally opens here eyes.

"Hey baby, it's me Zion and the boys Nick, Austin and Eddie. Are you okay ?" "Uh hi um where am I ?" " You're at the hospital, what's the last thing you remember ?" "I don't remember anything and who are you and the rest of the guys ?" As those words come out of her mouth a single tear comes down my face as well. I was so caught up with finding out who the dad of the baby was and if she would wake up I didn't even think about her not remembering me. "Bebe I'm sorry, of course I remember you I was just playing around." She laughs and hugs me and I hug her back. Edwin runs out the room to tell Brandon the good news. " Yo B it's y/n!! She's up !!" "BRO WHAT !?" They both rush back in and we all get into one big group hug and there were definitely some tears shed,obviously not from me... okay maybe some from me.

Everything seems to be looking up for once



This is the first happy ending I have ever ended with. But sadly it will not last long

What do you guys expect to happen in the next chapter ?? 👀👀

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