Chapter 13

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Wassssupppp guyssss
Not gonna lie I was kind of iffy about this chapter just because I've been watching a lot of dramatic shows so I was scared this was gonna be too much but what the hell.
"I came here to talk to you about getting a test to -" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Zion yells "SHE JUST SQUEEZED MY HAND!" I bolted over to her other side to look at her. She still looks asleep. The doctor started to write something on her clipboard before she walked out. " Hey B, have you told your dad yet ?" As he says that I remember I've been so caught up about the DNA test, I haven't even told my dad yet. " Oh shit, ya I need to do that." "And um, do you know who asked her about getting the test ?" A look at y/n as I think about what I'm about to say next......


I look at her then look back at him when I say "Nah bro, she just stopped me in the hallway and asked me some medical questions then came in here." "Damn so it must've been Nick. I should've known it was his trifling as. I mean come on, I finally start my own family and now he wants to ruin it. I was gonna propose to her then she became pregnant so I wanted to wait a little bit then I was gonna do it at the gender reveal but you can see how that ended up." I stood there in a state of shock as Zion told me how he felt. He was never the type to speak his feelings. A part of felt like this was sorta my fault for continuing this. The silence wasn't there for much longer as a monitor starting beeping like crazy. "Zion what should w-" And before I could finish I look up to see the door shut. Ok Brandon think, what did you see on Gray's Anatomy ?!

"Hey y/n, it's me, ya big brother. Imma need you to stay calm right now, ok. Zion went to go get help. Why is it taking him so long !! Ok i- um squeeze my hand if you can hear me. *y/n squeezes his hand* Wow ok I didn't expect that to work. Um squeeze it again if it's your chest that hurts. *nothing* You're stomach *y/n squeezes again* Wow I could be a doctor !!

As soon as that monitor went off I bolted. A protective side of me just kicked in and I had to do something to help her. "Hey doc I really need yo-" "Hey buddy Imma need you to wait a sec." "Ok look I know you're just trying to do your job right now, but my PREGNANT girlfriend is in there in a COMA with monitors going crazy. So can you please just help me." I stand there breathing heavy as I see many different faces looking at me. Some look at me with questioning expressions others look with faces of understanding,probably knowing where I come from. The doctor starts to jogs to y/n room and opens the door with a shocked face as she sees .....

My notorios cliff hanger !!
I wasn't gonna end it like this but I just wanted to post for your guys


Predictions/ what you guys wanna see 👀👀

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