Chapter 12

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You guys excited to find out who the unknown person was ??
A heads up ... no one got it 😂
BTW im not a doctor of any type so if something is like absolutely wrong then 🤷🏽‍♀️

UNKNOWN POV I ended up walking out with Edwin and Nick to make sure they weren't there. As I'm walking them to their car they start to ask If I'm ok and if I need anything. I reassure them that I'm fine and I just wanted to stay here with y/n for a little while longer. They get in the car and drive off and I jog back to the hospital. I see the doctor who was in the room with us. " Hi doc, I was uh wondering if there's anyway we can get a DNA test on the baby while y/n is still in her coma?"

Beginning :

The doctor has a surprised look on her face when I ask her. "May I ask why the DNA test is needed ?" "When we were back in the room, the tall guy with the dreads and the Italian, well they both might be the father of my sisters child and I just want to eliminate some drama." You can sense that she was shocked at the sentence but her reply had me in shock as well. "Oh sweetie, this isn't my first rodeo."  She starts to walk and tells me to go with her.

Everyone was gone.
It was just me and her.

She laid their peacefully, not a smile or a frown present on her face. I know in the doctor shows people always talk to the person in a coma to help wake them up or something. I always thought it was stupid but now I'm open to any and everything to get her back.

"Hey y/n, it's me Zion. I'm not really sure if you can hear me right now but I just wanted to talk you. The doctors don't know when you'll wake up, they said it's just gonna happen when your ready.It always takes you forever to get out of bed so no telling how long your gonna be in a coma." I can feel the tears coming, making my eyes watery. "I know you hate when people say they're worried about you but you have no idea how terrified I am. The last time I saw you awake, I was so pissed off and thinking the worst things about you but now I instantly regret it. Not gonna lie I was surprised when I found out, it didn't sound like something you would do." I stopped talking at the sound of the door opening and the doctor walking in with Brandon. "Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt something?" "Nah, just trying to talk to her like you said doc." Brandon and the doctor are in the corning having their own private conversation so I go back to mine. I reach her hand and start rambling to her  again.

"Not gonna lie I was super happy when I found out you're gonna have a girl. I remember us laying in my room,talking about baby names. I remember suggesting the name Ava and you started to feel a kick in your stomach and we knew that was gonna be her name.Wow, this is the longest you've gone without interrupting someone."

When we walked in Zion was talking to y/n. The doctor immediately turned to me and asked if she wanted me to say it or her. We discussed it for a little bit and we agreed that we were gonna say that someone asked her to take a DNA test on the baby, so she asked if it was OK since she's my sister. I heard Zion start to talk about her name, Ava. Y/n always wanted to have her first child's name A and I never knew why. The doctor slowly walked over to where they were. I instantly tensed up and the thought of what's about to happen.  "Hi Zion, I got some news earlier about a situation between you, y/n, and Nick I believe." You can see the fear in his eyes as she speaks, he begins to squeeze her hand a little tighter. "I came here to talk to you about getting a test to -" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Zion hell's "SHE JUST SQUEEZED MY HAND!" I bolted over to her other side to look at her. She still looks asleep. The doctor started to write something on her clipboard before she walked out. " Hey B, have you told your dad yet ?" As he says that I remember I've been so caught up about the DNA test, I haven't even told my dad yet. " Oh shit, ya I need to do that." "And um, do you know who asked her about getting the test ?" A look at y/n as I think about what I'm about to say next......

Kind of a bad cliff hanger to leave on but I love my suspense

What predictions do you guys have about the next chapter ?

What do you guys want to see happened 👀

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