Chapter 18

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it's october and i haven't updated since august 🤧 but im trying to become more active on here and instagram bc my dumbass wanted to take AP classes 🤡 but anyway this may be a little short but just wanted to give y'all cOnTeNt

The room becomes silent as we all see Nick leave. Edwin rushes out to go see where Nick went and all I can feel is a single tear drop fall down my cheek. Hallie excuses herself and my father from the room.

A nurse walks in and tells me I can be discharged today but I have to be in bed rest but my daughter has to remain there for a month to be able to adapt since she was a premie (or however you spell it).

"Ok well um can everyone just go to the waiting room while I talk to Zion real quick" they all have the same look on their faces as they awkwardly walk out of the room one by one. Zion makes his way over to me and sits in the chair next to my bed.

"So....." he drags out. "I know I should've talk to you about this earlier but here it goes." "Y/N you don't ha-" "Yes I do Zion, we have to get this out eventually.So it was during the time we were in a big argument about Sammy and you were staying at the boys house for a while. One night I had got tired of arguing with you and came to the boys house we could talk it out. I had got there and you weren't home and I asked Nick were and he said you went to Sammy's place. I was beyond mad at you and Nick offered me a drink to calm me down then one thing led to another and ...ya. I never wanted to bring it up because we eventually got over the whole Sammy thing and didn't want to bring up another argument and when I got pregnant and I didn't think it could be Nicks because it was a one time thing."

You could see the pain in his eyes after I stopped talking. He took a deep breathe and says "I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't think I can raise another mans daughter. It may sound selfish but trust me it hurts me as much as it hurts you. With all this shit going on I was willing to look past the hook up with Nick and raise our daughter together because I knew it's what you wanted to give her but this is just... I don't know, just to close to home. Maybe I just need some time but I'll definitely be there for you, always."

It hurt but I knew this was a possibility. "So about the birth certificate and her name...?" "What about it?" "I knew we had agreed on naming her Alaina and I just wanna know if you're ok if I kept that name for her." I slowly lift my head up, being nervous for his answer. "It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,keep it."

A knock was heard at the door and if it couldn't be better timing... Mr.Nichols Carter Mara. "Well this is gonna get awkward so imma head out." Zion looks down at Nick and glares as he leaves us alone. "Look who decided to come back." "I'm sorry for leaving it just hit me I guess you know." "Well we need to sign her birth certificate and I already picked her name." "What is it?" "Alaina" "Alaina...Mara?" I took a second to think. "Look, if she gets your last name you better work to keep it." "Always." We were sitting in silence when a nurse breaks it by asking if we want to see her and we obviously reply yes. They both put me in a wheelchair and Nick takes me where we need to go.

He rolls me to the incubator she's in and I cry. I let my baby be in there because of my decisions. I reach my hand in the circle and touch her little finger. "Hi baby, it's mama." Even just speaking to her made my heart warm. The nurse walks back over to us and says "Are you guys ready to sign her birth certificate?" We both shook our heads yes and signed. After we spent some time with her, he rolled me back to my room and everyone was already back in there. "How is she?" Brandon ask almost scared of the answer. "She's amazing and beautiful." Brandon nods and responds "Well she gets that from me." We all laugh.

I got my stuff and we're all heading out. I asked Brandon if he could drop me off at my apartment and he said yes. The drive was silent but now in an awkward way. We arrive at my apartment and he helps me to my bed. He puts my bag on my desk, kisses my forehead, and leaves.

What the hell am I gonna do ?

It feels good to write again 🥺
but what are y'all predictions 👀

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