Amnesia ( Markiplier FanFic )

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Hello! MrsGavinFree here! This story ( Amnesia ) will be a short sotry ( maybe 8-14 parts) Amnesia is a SHORT markiplier fanfic, filled with mostly fluff. As for other stories ( such as Forever in Slow Motion ) will be in full swing sometime soon. I promise... but for now enjoy Amnesia!!

Chapter 1 - Did I say that out loud?

Today was the day. I couldn't be happier. It seemed that only yesterday I was at RTX 2013. Everything about that day was imprinted in my memory. I would never forget that day. Never.

" flash back "

My alarm went off at 6am sharp. I climbed out of bed and tripped over my beagle, Tucker. I cursed then, laughed at myself. I picked up Tucker and climbed down my lofts ladder. I set Tucker down and walked to the kitchen. I gave Tucker some food and made myself some toast. I was bouncing off the walls. Today I was going to RTX for the first time as a employee, not as an attendee. I finished with breakfast and got ready for my day. I put my Rikku cosplay into a bag, then I hurried to take a shower. When I was out of the shower I wrapped my body in a towel and grabbed my phone. I needed to ask my best friend Hannah if she'd dog sit Tucker for me while I was out. It's not like i couldn't leave him here, but Tucker's getting to the point where he needs a lot of help. My poor baby.

Laurel: Hey can u babysit Tuck?

Hannah: sure :) Ryan will b at RTX with U

Laurel: sweet ! Thanks love u see ya soon !

Hannah didn't text back. I grabbed my clothes for the day and changed. When. I walked out of the bathroom, I heard whining come from the front door. I looked over and saw Tucker waiting at the door.

"Oh Tucker, well leave soon, hold on." I said as I gathered everything else. I was almost ready when Tucker got excited. He loved going over to Hannah's house. I walked over to the door, and opened it. Tucker took off towards the car.

"God you're so old yet so fast." I laughed as I walked down the hall.

The drive to Hannah's wasn't long it only took half and hour, since she lived across town.

We pulled up to her place and sat in the car for a moment. I turned my car off and grabbed Tucker as I got out. I set him on the ground and he took off towards the door. Hannah opened it just in time.

"Hey " she smiled.

Hannah looked as beautiful as ever. Her brown hair was the same shoulder length and her blue eyes were as blue as ever.

"Hey !" I said as I walked up and hugged her. We let go and looked down at Tucker he was such a goofball.

"I'll be back around 6 to pick him up." I said to Hannah

"Alright. Say hi to Ryan for me !" She said happily.

"Sure thing baby!" I said winking at her with a creepy pervertish accent. Hannah laughed and took Tucker inside.

My drive to the convention wasn't long maybe 25 minutes or so. I parked a few blocks away from the convention, because traffic was a bitch when everyone tried to leave at the same time. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and walked to the back entrance. I showed the security guard my badge and walked inside. I wandered to the cosplay section and found my booth, that I was sharing. Meg Turney, Jessica Nigri and I were sharing a booth to both save space and time. I set my bag down and began to lay out all my prints. I had almost 1000. Meg Jessica and I began to chat about how things were going in our lives. Jessica and her fiancé were doing great, Meg and Gavin were doing alright. An announcement came over the intercom " the swarm of fans will be coming inside soon. "

"Oh shit! You need to get ready!" Jessica stated.

"We'll help." Meg said.

I smiled at them and we hurried to the bathroom. Meg grabbed my cosplay out of my bag and smiled.

"Rikku huh ?" She asked being amused.

"Sexy right?" I asked. Jessica turned around " I'd bang you if I were lesbian." She laughed.

Meg helped me into my costume and Jessica helped me with my makeup and hair.

In less than 20 minutes I went from ugly to less ugly. Once we were done we rushed back to our booth just as people began flooding in. From 8 to 3 we signed, took photos and met our fans. At 3 I decided to take a break.

"I'll be back I'm going to visit Rooster Teeth for a few." I said as I walked out of the booth. I walked halfway across the convention center before I found them. Ryan and I had a fast conversation since he had to run to a panel.

While walking back to my booth, I noticed that the cosplay section was nearly empty, except for a person or two. I was walking down the walkway when a guy, dressed as a street fighting ninja came up to me and began to harass me.

"Rikku my love!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry ?" I asked with confusion

"Rikku it's me!" Said the guy.

" Sorry buddy." I said walking away from him. He quickly grabbed my arm.

" Rikku where are you going!?" He asked in a threatening tone.

" anywhere but here." I stated.

" then give me a kiss." He said as he puckered up and leaned into kiss me.

"Woah Cowboy ! I've got a boyfriend ! " I yelled as untangled my arm from his grasp. I quickly began to look for my "boyfriend."

"Oh look! There he is. " I said as I escaped the ninjas grasp.

'God I'm so sorry for this guy.' I thought to myself as i walked quickly around stalky ninja and over to a cute guy with a black faux hawk and and red flannel shirt. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear.

"Please play along. " I begged as I hugged the guy around the waist.

I tried to be overly " in love" with flannel boy by hugging him for a very long time. I turned towards stalky ninja and smiled. The dude with the flannel, who became my impromptu boyfriend was playing along nicely.

" hey beautiful! How was your day?" He asked.

The ninja douche glared at flannel boy and stomped off muttering to himself. As soon as he was gone, I let go of flannel guy and jumped backwards.

"Hey sorry about that, ninja boy over there was being a creep." I said scratching my head in this awkward situation.

The guy with the red flannel looked me over.

" I can see why." He said with a smirk. His eyes went wide and he covered his mouth.

"Did I say that out loud?" He asked in a embarrassed expression. I blushed at how cutely mortified he was. "Yes, yes you did that's ok." I laughed as I placed a hand on his shoulder. I dropped my hand as he started to speak.

"I'm Mark." He said holding out his hand. "Laurel. " I replied as we shook hands.

"Hey listen, thanks for being my escape for a second there. But I have to go." I said quickly as I turned away.

Mark fumbled over his words as he tried to get something out. I had left before I could hear what he wanted to say. I made it back to my booth with a huff. For the next half and hour we wrapped up meeting and greeting everyone. I placed all my remaining prints into a box and set them behind the booth. Tomorrow was going to be just as great. At 4:25 I left the convention center. While walking to my car, I saw Mark talking to someone. He was kinda on the pudgy side, and had glasses. The man with glasses looked at me and pointed at me. My eyes grew wide as Mark turned around. I quickly turned and walked to my car.

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