Chapter One

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Kristine had always had a big imagination. Always thinking of a different world or time frame. She hated where she lived: in the big city where everything was always so noisy and it smelt of gas, stinky restaurants and where crime was dealt with every day. But all that changed one weekend when Kristine visited her grandmother's house. Kristine grumbled as she slowly got out of the car; her long, curly brown hair whipped around her face as the wind blew. "Mom, do I really have to stay the weekend here? I mean, can't I just stay home alone by myself? I'm old enough to watch myself--fourteen!"
Her mother sighed and smiled somewhat. "Well unless if you would like to take a road trip with me and your father all the way to your cousins, need I remind you the trouble you caused there, then no you don't have to stay."
Kristine rolled her big brown eye's. "Alright, you win."

As Kristine and her mother walked up to the large house, she couldn't help but think that staying here could prove to be fun. Within seconds after her mom rang the bell the door slowly opened. There Kristine saw an old woman at the door. Her hair was all white and she leaned on a cane. she had a shawl over her shoulders and wore a blue dress. "Oh hello! So glad you could make it! Please, come in." The old lady opened the door the rest of the way to let them in.
Kristine entered her home, she was left in awe. The place was filled with such amazing things. Old things back from the war times, like paintings, little figures and even a place to keep old fashion swords.
"I'm afraid I can't stay long," began her mother. "We have a long way ahead of us."
"That's fine. I don't want to keep you waiting anyway." Said the old woman. Kristine watched as her mom left. "Make yourself at home, dear." said the old woman. "Your room is right upstairs to your left. You can put your things there."

Kristine slowly walked up the stairs and they creaked every time she took a step. When She made it back downstairs she found the old woman in the dining room setting down what looked like tea with lemon.
"Hope you like tea," she said.
"Yeah. Thanks." Kristine sat down and took a sip. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Are you my grandmother?"
The old woman laughed. "Yes. I am your great grandmother. Hundred ten years old. Been through both wars. You could say I have had quite the life. That's also why I have so many old things lying around."
Kristine was shocked. "My GREAT grandmother? You serious?"
The old woman smiled. "Yes, it's true and you can call me Anna--or Granny."
Kristine got a huge smile on her face. "Could you tell me about the wars. I just love history!"
Anna smiled. "Alright."
Kristine sat there in amazement as she listened to her great grandmother's stories. She didn't even notice that she had drunk all of her tea until Anna said something about.
"Want more tea?"
She looked down and then back at Anna. "No thanks. I'm fine."
"Well let me show you around the house then." And again Kristine was amazed at the things she had. Finally, they stopped their little tour in the living room.
"The only room off limits is the attic. I forbid you to go up there."
"Why? What's up there?"
"It's just things I don't want anyone to mess with is all. Come now I have more things to show you."
But Kristine couldn't help keep her mind on the attic. Now she was really curious as to what was up there.

Before long the first day there had almost gone by. It was about ten and Anna was already fast to sleep, but Kristine could not. She was too excited about everything. Like the huge library and the great big yard in the back with all those trees. It was totally a place, Kathleen would love to get lost in. But her mind the fixated on the attic. What WAS up there anyway? Maybe some dead bodies? Nah! Kathleen laughed to herself at the thought of it. She then closed her eye's trying to get some sleep. Kathleen woke up later that night. The clock read two thirty. She rubbed her eye's. Suddenly she heard someone whispering her name. "Hello?" she whispered back. No reply. She then shook it off. It was after all an old house. But then she heard name whispered again. She sat up this time looking around. All she saw was the nightstand a dresser a shut-in closet and some blankets were thrown over a love seat. Still, nothing and no one else was there so she laid back down and moments later she heard her name being whispered again.
This time she got up and listened closely. Nothing. She slowly walked over to the shut-in closet and forced it open. I big whiff of air blew through her hair. She felt a chill. But this excited her and made her want to go on. She looked all around the close and found nothing, just then she heard her name being whispered again so she looked up and there she saw the attic door. A grin appeared from across her lips. She couldn't help herself but go up there.

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